Monday, July 21, 2008

As of now, everybody in my course would most probably be studying and revising for tomorrow's big and final test for LPM, and here I am, happily blogging about it, hahahahaha!! So anyways, just wanted to do a quick post here.

Congratulations Dickson Teo on being accepted into DigiPen!!!! WOoooohoooo!!! Well, DigiPen is an American institute of graphic and game design, and they just set up shop here in Singapore, and Dickson got into the batch enrolling in 2009, how cool is that!?!? So anyways, his very first assignment, which is 1 year early to be exact, involves drawing 800 sketches!!! 800!!! WOW!!! But he says it's nothing if you want to enter this industry. X.X So anyway, all the best for his future endeavours!

Next would be for Calvin, who was posted to SISPEC for training to become a Physical Training Instructor(PTI), hahaha, that would be the PE teacher to you and me. We were just joking around, and he said that if I were to be under him for PT sessions, he would not punish me at all, hahahaha, then I said that everyone else will beat me up in the middle of the night in the end of the day. But congrats nonetheless, and I hope to see him as a Officer if possible.

Finally would be my close friend ZHC!! Why? Because today is his birthday!!! Woooo!!!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to ZHC, happy birthday to youuu!! 19 years as well, as old as me already, hahahaha, one more year closer to maturity. All the best for your studies and FYP, and relationship (if applicable =P), hahahahaha, Happy Birthday once again, and enjoy yourself this week!!! =D

Well, I guess I should get back to revising, and by the way, I'm blogging now while sitting on my weeds, hahahaha!! I guess I'm he best weight to press those buggers down.
Toodles and good night!!

~moey out~