Saturday, September 27, 2008

Right now, nothing beats a good weekend rest at home. During each week, so many things happen, so many new things to learn, so many new things to absorb. So weekends are really precious for rest and recuperation, and preparations have to be made for the upcoming week once again. Hahahaha, ah man, I miss school, not the projects and all, but just the atmosphere of the whole place, lecture theatres, hanging out with friends, canteens, breaks between lessons, and of course, not-so-long schooling hours. Apart from that, work kind of makes up for the rest of it. No doubt a lot of things has to be done, but it's not as stressful as schooling. Oh well, entering the working world is really this tough I suppose.

Now I really know what my parents mean when they say:"Jon, you better enjoy your schooling life as much as possible hor, next time you come out to work, you see how stressful and tough it is lor."

~moey out~