Guess everything's going to go touchscreen, from food menus, to computer monitors, to microwaves and maybe, just maybe, toilet seats. I won't be surprised that they already exist right now. Maybe even textbooks will become touchscreen, so kids can just scroll their fingers over a screen to flip to a certain chapter or something, and typing on a keyboard can be done on your bed, while your monitor is actually projected on your room's wall. The prospect of it sounds very very cool, but then human beings will just become lazier by the day, and soon, the depiction of humans in WALL-E will really come true. Anyhows, I guess we will just wait and see how long humans can control technology before the roles are reversed(sounds like some Terminator story line)
Let me leave you all with this: Technology is an essential component in out lives(hey, it's enabling me to blog this entry now), but will it become such a big part of our lives that we start to lose the authentic human touch?
-Food for thought, maybe you can throw in a dessert while you're thinking as well.-
~moey out~