Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Small news

Well, ever since school was out, there has not been much of events going on. Just a few outings splattered here and there with family and friends, not much actually, I'm a homely creature by nature, BUT! I'm trying to break out of that shell nonetheless.
Been playing a lot of games as well, bringing out my gamer side once again, muahahahahah! It doesn't help that I love computer games, and hanging out with friends who love gaming just as much doesn't really help much either. =P
Time to get my gardening mojo back though, if not I'll totally lose it in NS. =/ Too much of staring into the computer is not good as well...

But of course, I still settle my head on my pillow before 11pm-12mn most of the time, so that side of me still remains intact, just in case you're wondering.

I also finally touched my piano after about half a decade, and I really need to revise everything I learnt back in the old days, but other than that, I can say I'm having a relaxing time at home. Everything going slowly and peacefully, no more rushing for projects or waking up super early(notice I didn't say 'early') to go to work.

Well, that's all about what's happening on my side of town.

~moey out~