~moey out~
Monday, January 29, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
something interesting i just recently found out: i can actually play pool.
haha,but its still the noobish standard la of course, i hardly play pool,let alone being able to sink a few balls..well,i did in fact,and im really surprised at myself to be honest...hahahahaha
haiz...tat malyna dont wanna at least try to play it,haish.....nvm la....there'll be other chances and i guess brute force will be used :)
haha,but its still the noobish standard la of course, i hardly play pool,let alone being able to sink a few balls..well,i did in fact,and im really surprised at myself to be honest...hahahahaha
haiz...tat malyna dont wanna at least try to play it,haish.....nvm la....there'll be other chances and i guess brute force will be used :)
~moey out~
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
WOOOOOT!!!!!! TNN LIVE!!!!! :)
hahaha,and yesh,the news channel debut was a huge success and it was well recieved by the peeps of T36D. muahahhha i would really like to thank my whole lovely team and our supporters:MJ and GZ.
the starting of the presentatio started out kinda with a technical difficulty but after a while,it was solved and the show was aired on TV!! hahaha jkjkjk.......
it was definitely fun but nerve wrecking as well....but after our presentation every single one of us was totally relieved and glad that our big day is over...
no more school on WED!!!! woooohooo!!!! :)
our presentation was so good that our teacher wants to put it up on MeL as an example for other ppl to follow..muahahhahahahahha....
so,im gonna treat my team to Jerry's ice cream,cause we already have Ben on our team...lolx!! lol lameooo...hahaha anyway they really deserved it and i too wanna try this popular ice cream.....
well,it was an excellent day i must say, and i hope tml's env presentastion will go just as smoothly... :)
Team TNN all the way!!!! =)
hahaha,and yesh,the news channel debut was a huge success and it was well recieved by the peeps of T36D. muahahhha i would really like to thank my whole lovely team and our supporters:MJ and GZ.
the starting of the presentatio started out kinda with a technical difficulty but after a while,it was solved and the show was aired on TV!! hahaha jkjkjk.......
it was definitely fun but nerve wrecking as well....but after our presentation every single one of us was totally relieved and glad that our big day is over...
no more school on WED!!!! woooohooo!!!! :)
our presentation was so good that our teacher wants to put it up on MeL as an example for other ppl to follow..muahahhahahahahha....
so,im gonna treat my team to Jerry's ice cream,cause we already have Ben on our team...lolx!! lol lameooo...hahaha anyway they really deserved it and i too wanna try this popular ice cream.....
well,it was an excellent day i must say, and i hope tml's env presentastion will go just as smoothly... :)
Team TNN all the way!!!! =)
~moey out~
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Yesterday was a really really hectic day i must say.... i was literally out the whole day la....8 am to about 10pm.....woooo so long.....and wat was i up to?? completing my IAC group presentation....
well, in the morning,went to Commonwealth to meet up with my project mates:Dian,Sharina,Ben,Fie..... well,i was there really really early and so i sms-ed Rina to come accompany me lor....lol....so she came around 8.30am and we just chatted until the rest came about 9.15am....then we all headed to to Rina's grandparents' house...only her granny was in,her grandad was out....
so we all settled down and started to start on out PPT presentation....it started with very few points,but then ideas just flowed in and we just kept giving ideas.... we then started to come up with our script,reason being is that we have chosen a special way to present our topic....
its something like the format of News 5 Tonight,where u have the in-studio ppl and on-site reporters.... Ben and Rina were the in-studio peeps,while Fie and Dian were our roving reporters.as for yours truly, i was like a 'Professor', who represents the WTO(world toilet organisation) so ya la....we continued writing the script from the morning till about 4pm in the evening,and by tat time,it was raining really heavily....sheesh.....darn rainy season....so we packed up and headed to the Botanic Gardens,where we filmed 2 videos: 1 of a clean toilet,and 1 of a dirty toilet.
along the way to Commonwealth MRT,we saw that the road beside the station was literally flooded,it was the worst flood any of us had seen,and luckily Ben asked me to take a few pix to show all of u out there how bad the situation was....the pix will be added in later....
Dian did the 2 videos,but we had a long time getting the 1st video right,cause there were a lot of bloopers,and we decided that we could include em at the end of the presentation..... by the time we ended filming at the BG, it was close to 7pm,so we all headed back to school and parted with Dian,who had to go attend a wedding....
so the remaining 4 of us went to check out the closest toilet and i saw my old bud: sudarshan!! lol....he came to our sch to clean up after a x-country run,so we just chatted a while, and i left him with his other fren,while the 4 of us went to the atrium...we set up camp there and then filmed Fie's part,it was kinda fast cause he didnt have any bloopers,so ya......we stayed in sch till like 8.30pm then we all decided to call it a day and headed back home.
well,i am really really grateful that i have such a dedicated group of peeps,cause all of them are enthusiastic about this project and i really had fun working with them for this...i mean without them,i dont think we could have pulled off such an interesting presentation la.....and i would really like to thank WenXiang(Ben), cause most of the presentation is related to IT,so he is our main man to get this done, so i really like to thank u WX!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!! and not forgetting the rest of my team,THANK YOU TOO!!!!!! i really like our team,and i honestly believe that we will do well for this module... :)
HLM ROX!!!! wooohooooo!!!!!
here are the few pix i took of the flood i mentioned earlier,and plus a few more shots taken at Rina's house:
poor motorcycle :(
and here are the dumb, and most definitely, random shots:
we actually decided to add these pix to the 'credits' part of our presentation...haha....
woooooooo,i guess i am 365 days older...hahahhaha, time really flew by,and yours truly is already 18 yrs old....oh man.....going to NS in no time man.......stressed...lolx.......i dont think im more mature la,didnt really change from who i used to be in sec sch,but i admit i am more aware about my outward appearance, cause its starting to feel awkward whenever i dont spray my hair,this is a sign that im changing la,i guess.....but oh well,i know i will never be as cool or hip as the people in poly, but all i know is that i like myself for who i am,and not someone who tries to look cool.....oh well......
Happy Birthday to myself.. hahahah..
till next time...
~moey out~
Friday, January 19, 2007
Well,it just occured to me that its been almost 1 whole year since i started school...a lot of stuff has happened so far....many new frens made,new bonds,learnt new stuff,got stressed over various projects,fell sick as well......
i mean A LOT has happened, but i am honestly grateful that i had to go thru these things with my frens,new and old.... without em', i guess i'll just be like a lone ranger with nobody to turn to..... at least i had a lot of fun these few months and i dont intend to stop anytime soon :P
but at the moment,it kinda feels weird not having a best bud to talk to,i mean its really hard to talk to frens about things close to the heart,and i dont feel comfortable talking about such stuff with just anyone....oh well......like a fren of mine said: best frens/buds will come when the time comes,no point going around looking for em'.....
well,i guess tat person is sorta right...
its coming to the halfway mark of this term,and project deadlines seem to be drawing ever so closer,and im really worried tat things wont go as planned,but i cant really do anything but pray i guess...... just go with da flow ya....things will work out somehow.... :)
i mean A LOT has happened, but i am honestly grateful that i had to go thru these things with my frens,new and old.... without em', i guess i'll just be like a lone ranger with nobody to turn to..... at least i had a lot of fun these few months and i dont intend to stop anytime soon :P
but at the moment,it kinda feels weird not having a best bud to talk to,i mean its really hard to talk to frens about things close to the heart,and i dont feel comfortable talking about such stuff with just anyone....oh well......like a fren of mine said: best frens/buds will come when the time comes,no point going around looking for em'.....
well,i guess tat person is sorta right...
its coming to the halfway mark of this term,and project deadlines seem to be drawing ever so closer,and im really worried tat things wont go as planned,but i cant really do anything but pray i guess...... just go with da flow ya....things will work out somehow.... :)
~moey out~
Thursday, January 18, 2007
AHHHHHH!!!! NP Open House 2007 was such a mess........and its only the 1st day.....
reached school around 10am,but my duties wasn't supposed to start around 11,so i had a lot of free time on my hands....went to my booth and wat greeted my eyes was kinda boring..... it was a model and tonnes of wheat grass was growing on it.. it was like a vast field of wheat grass,and Mr Chow just added a few cottonwools as clouds,and a hut made out of toothpicks....
then,he came over to me to brief me on what to do,and then he said this: "I really worry that people will touch my hut,but its ok,its already insured." -_-'''''''''''
how cold and lame can he get...hahahaha oh well.....
so i just lingered around the room which was solely dedicated to HLM only,and there were 4 booths including mine. 1 was a info and game booth,made and prepared by class 1, next to us was a year 2 booth,which displayed a 3d model of a garden layout..kinda nice i must say.....at the other end of the room was another booth manned by class 3,it was a DIY booth,where ppl could construct their own mini 3d landscapes......
then around 11 plus malyna and nis came and both looked tired and sleepy....hahahha expected la.....so while every1 was still preparing ,the first few visitors walked in, and from tat point on, things started to take off....
the morning session was kinda quiet and slow,cause not a lot of ppl came in to look around. so around 2 plus,the gals went off and i went to have my lunch with nis,then i headed back to the booth cause i was supposedly to meet my cousin who was visiting NP around 3pm....
so i just waited and lingered around and when my cousin came, they all had to be ushered to the convention centre,so i went back to my booth and waited....then suddenly i recieved a sms,and then my cousin said he wasn't coming to visit the HML booth,so i was kinda disappointed la,but also sian-ed a bit,cause it was like i waited so long for him to come,and then he just left like tat.....gosh.....
so i left around 4.30pm and then it just suddenly rained like crazy,so irritating la......got my pants and shoes wet(btw it just dried yesterday) so got on the bus and then my freakin nose started to leak mucus all the way home.....haizzzzz so much for getting a hair cut.....oh well......
till next time then...
reached school around 10am,but my duties wasn't supposed to start around 11,so i had a lot of free time on my hands....went to my booth and wat greeted my eyes was kinda boring..... it was a model and tonnes of wheat grass was growing on it.. it was like a vast field of wheat grass,and Mr Chow just added a few cottonwools as clouds,and a hut made out of toothpicks....
then,he came over to me to brief me on what to do,and then he said this: "I really worry that people will touch my hut,but its ok,its already insured." -_-'''''''''''
how cold and lame can he get...hahahaha oh well.....
so i just lingered around the room which was solely dedicated to HLM only,and there were 4 booths including mine. 1 was a info and game booth,made and prepared by class 1, next to us was a year 2 booth,which displayed a 3d model of a garden layout..kinda nice i must say.....at the other end of the room was another booth manned by class 3,it was a DIY booth,where ppl could construct their own mini 3d landscapes......
then around 11 plus malyna and nis came and both looked tired and sleepy....hahahha expected la.....so while every1 was still preparing ,the first few visitors walked in, and from tat point on, things started to take off....
the morning session was kinda quiet and slow,cause not a lot of ppl came in to look around. so around 2 plus,the gals went off and i went to have my lunch with nis,then i headed back to the booth cause i was supposedly to meet my cousin who was visiting NP around 3pm....
so i just waited and lingered around and when my cousin came, they all had to be ushered to the convention centre,so i went back to my booth and waited....then suddenly i recieved a sms,and then my cousin said he wasn't coming to visit the HML booth,so i was kinda disappointed la,but also sian-ed a bit,cause it was like i waited so long for him to come,and then he just left like tat.....gosh.....
so i left around 4.30pm and then it just suddenly rained like crazy,so irritating la......got my pants and shoes wet(btw it just dried yesterday) so got on the bus and then my freakin nose started to leak mucus all the way home.....haizzzzz so much for getting a hair cut.....oh well......
till next time then...
~moey out~
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Aights,just came home with a brand new toy:
Yupps!!! ^^
If any of you who don't know what this is: its the very new Apple iPod Shuffle!!!!
its size is so totally different from the very 1st shuffle......kinda cute la,but really easy to get lost T_T......
anyway,i went to Sim Lim Square with GZ,who oh so kindly was willing to come along and help me buy the iPod. so kind of him,thx man!! so we spent about 45mins walking around Sim Lim and i bought this for S$132 after discount la,original price was S$138,but then it was reduced to S$133,then i further bargained with the lady boss and got a $1 discount....hahahhaa,at least its still a discount la....*typical singaporean :P*
so next we went to get the various accessories for my new toy,i also went to get a new 1GB thumbdrive,so the grand total for today was about S$210!!! phewwww all my allowance down the drain just like that....hahahah oh well,i'd better take good care of my baby ><
so till next time peeps... =)
~moey out~
Saturday, January 06, 2007
YAY! Finally got a new blog skin up and running. As much as i liked the previous skin,this is also something along the same lines,so its not much of a difference. It took me like 1.5 hrs to get this skin working properly though,phewww.
Well, no change is boring,so a change of skin is interesting lor.....
Anyways hope you guys out there like it,and tag me ya! =)
~moey out~
Hmmmmm..... after the 1st week of school after the 3 weeks break, i wasn't looking forward to the 1st week at all. but now tat its over,its kinda better than i expected.....well,probably because the first 2 days of the week were spent at home,which only leaves 3 more days of schooling....
and on Wed, my Comm-T presentation went quite well i might say, cause my group met up at 9 am just to rehearse,and i appreciate it u guys =), comparing our presentation to the other groups in our class,i can fairly say we have done well,muahahahhaha......
then on thursday,well,nothing happened actually....hahaha,cause i didnt have any school on tat day,cause it was an even week,so no school on thursdays....wooooohooooo so which leaves me to friday. it started quite well with LD cause every1 was just busy planning/doing their group projects,and i guess i did my best to help MJ with our own planning...well,all i can do is to just go with it lor......stressing over it too much is kinda irritating,so i'll just take it slow.....
so this whole week was quite a short one in fact......hope next week will be something like this*crosses fingers*, but i doubt it la...haha,oh well..... =)
and on Wed, my Comm-T presentation went quite well i might say, cause my group met up at 9 am just to rehearse,and i appreciate it u guys =), comparing our presentation to the other groups in our class,i can fairly say we have done well,muahahahhaha......
then on thursday,well,nothing happened actually....hahaha,cause i didnt have any school on tat day,cause it was an even week,so no school on thursdays....wooooohooooo so which leaves me to friday. it started quite well with LD cause every1 was just busy planning/doing their group projects,and i guess i did my best to help MJ with our own planning...well,all i can do is to just go with it lor......stressing over it too much is kinda irritating,so i'll just take it slow.....
so this whole week was quite a short one in fact......hope next week will be something like this*crosses fingers*, but i doubt it la...haha,oh well..... =)
~moey out~
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
HAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! wat a way to celebrate the New Year.....
it turned out that i had to spend 45mins locked out of my hse which i just left for 2mins....lolx....
i was supposed to go down to help my mum carry the groceries back home from the car....so i left the house and went down..... but then my mum told me she didnt bring the house keys...i also told her I didnt bring the keys...so she just stared at me la......hahah so we went up and called the locksmith (his number was on the gate).....so we settled down on the door step and waited.
then,as expected, my nosy neighbours came to ask why we were sitting out there (pretty obvious right??) so my mum explained and my neighbour told his wife, who also came out to ask the same question...... then they went in again, WITHOUT offering to invite us into their house for a while la....zzzz tat made me lil upset..but the optimistic me ^^V ,wasn't angry at all...but my mum was just angry cause of the fact she had to sit on the doorstep where it was sorta warm lor...... i just laughed but she being so serious :"so funny ar??"*stare* hahaha then i just told her wats the use of getting angry,its not like the door will become scared and open up magically right.....hahahhaha so we waited for 45mins for the locksmith to come....
i ended up having my dinner outside on the doorstep and i actually was willing to pick up the chinese newspaper to read,which btw, i rarely do.....so my mum ended up sitting beside me and she was a chinese dictionary for a short while....
then finally, the locksmith came.....he just came, greeted us,chatted with us while he did his thing and within 2 mins, he unlocked the door for us....HAHHAHAHHA i mean, my mum was just shocked at how fast he could unlock the door la....she called him: Super Thief. *rolls eyes*
but it cost us $50 la!!! 50 clams just down the drain,but me being a filial son*ahem* paid my mum back the 50 clams.........
lol so yea, i guess the moral of this story is to BRING YOUR HOUSEKEYS WHEREVER YOU GO!!! EVEN IF ITS FOR ONLY 2MINS!!!! hahahaha, im not saying its my fault entirely,but my mum also had something to do with this cause she didnt bring the keys in the 1st place.....so ya, a very interesting way to start the new year, lolx =)
so kids,dont try this at home aight ^^
it turned out that i had to spend 45mins locked out of my hse which i just left for 2mins....lolx....
i was supposed to go down to help my mum carry the groceries back home from the car....so i left the house and went down..... but then my mum told me she didnt bring the house keys...i also told her I didnt bring the keys...so she just stared at me la......hahah so we went up and called the locksmith (his number was on the gate).....so we settled down on the door step and waited.
then,as expected, my nosy neighbours came to ask why we were sitting out there (pretty obvious right??) so my mum explained and my neighbour told his wife, who also came out to ask the same question...... then they went in again, WITHOUT offering to invite us into their house for a while la....zzzz tat made me lil upset..but the optimistic me ^^V ,wasn't angry at all...but my mum was just angry cause of the fact she had to sit on the doorstep where it was sorta warm lor...... i just laughed but she being so serious :"so funny ar??"*stare* hahaha then i just told her wats the use of getting angry,its not like the door will become scared and open up magically right.....hahahhaha so we waited for 45mins for the locksmith to come....
i ended up having my dinner outside on the doorstep and i actually was willing to pick up the chinese newspaper to read,which btw, i rarely do.....so my mum ended up sitting beside me and she was a chinese dictionary for a short while....
then finally, the locksmith came.....he just came, greeted us,chatted with us while he did his thing and within 2 mins, he unlocked the door for us....HAHHAHAHHA i mean, my mum was just shocked at how fast he could unlock the door la....she called him: Super Thief. *rolls eyes*
but it cost us $50 la!!! 50 clams just down the drain,but me being a filial son*ahem* paid my mum back the 50 clams.........
lol so yea, i guess the moral of this story is to BRING YOUR HOUSEKEYS WHEREVER YOU GO!!! EVEN IF ITS FOR ONLY 2MINS!!!! hahahaha, im not saying its my fault entirely,but my mum also had something to do with this cause she didnt bring the keys in the 1st place.....so ya, a very interesting way to start the new year, lolx =)
so kids,dont try this at home aight ^^
~moey out~
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