Sunday, January 25, 2009


Wow man, it's finally the eve of the lunar new year. Everybody's out and about doing all their last minute shopping, some going for reunion dinners, some just staying at home doing their thing. Hahahaha, but whatever the case, the whole island will be crowded the whole day tomorrow. Visitations!!! What else? So the whole mass of Chinese citizens will be going around visiting our elders and relatives. Red packets being exchanged at a rate of unbelievable proportion, hahaha. It's going to be a whole tiring day for most of us, and just like Hari Raya, it means food, food, FOOD!!! Wooohoooo, I miss my Bak kua so badly, hahaha, and even though the prices have shot up, I will at least try to get my hands on a few pieces at the very minimal. All the other New Year goodies just comes along with the whole package, and it will be a whole day of just stuffing our faces silly, and then worry about how fat you are the next day(hint hint marky,HAHHAH)

Of course, just like any big festive occasion, there will be loads and loads of sms-es which will be sent out around this time right now. I hope the network will not be jammed by the million over sms-es being spammed out in one milisecond. Hahaha, but I don't think they will jam up too bad, hopefully. And of course, jams do not just occur in the text message highway, but as well as the vehicular highway as well. Tomorrow will be a day filled with jams as well, because COE prices have been dipping ocne again by the low demand of cars at the moment, so now people are starting to get new cars once again, so like my mum puts it: "Ya lor, the roads will be jammed like Bangkok liao, so many cars." So not looking forward to travelling on the roads tomorrow, but ah well, it happens once a year, so it's not a bad deal anyways.

Alright, so here's wishing all of you out there:


And for those of you who are nto celebrating, it's a really really long weekend and it means more sleeping in, more free time, more relaxing!!! Wooo, hahahaha, sounds so fun! Whatever your case is, just enjoy yourself and have a great week ahead! =)

~moey out~

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Big Two-Oh

Well, having your birthday start with a number '2' is not too bad. Hahahaha. I think that it's a time where things will get tougher, more serious, and of course, more fun as well. Firstly, before I go rambling on, just want to thank every one of you who sms-ed me in the millions(one was even in malay! hahaha, what can I say, I'm half malay too~), tagged me, wrote on my wall, presents, cakes and all the weird stuff like asking me about my alter-ego, and all the other stuff. Thank you all!! =D
After coming into this world after 20 years and 18hours later, I have come a long long way from a little kid. But hey, I'm STILL a kid at heart, hahaha. Not much happened today because it's the middle of the week, with CNY coming up, reports to submit, posters to beautify, but hey, one thing I'm glad about is that I'm done with all of these, so I can sleep well tonight! =D
Nothing much to talk about now, cause I'm expecting some crazy guys over for who-knows-what, so I guess I won't be sleeping early tonight.

Anyway I was talking to my mum in the car on the way home, and we were just talking about my attachment. Then we shifted to talking about all the other plant lovers on attachment, and she said she missed all you characters! Hahaha, awwww, she misses you all! Hope all of you are doing fine and keep going for the remainder of these three weeks!! =)

And anyway, there are also about a few more million people celebrating their birthdays today, so a big shout out to all of you who have January 21st as your birthday! A beautiful day to celebrate it! =D

~moey out~

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Seen the recent 7-UP Revive advertisement on the roads?
Well, mine is:

''Completing reports on time is a competitive sport.''

~moey out~

Friday, January 09, 2009

*The Little Nonya alternate ending airing on Sunday at 9.55pm only on Channel 8!*

Guess the viewers really want to see a happily-ever-after moment.

And I can't believe that I have 2 posts talking about something which I don't even watch, hahaha. All the media's fault, LOL. =/

~moey out~

Monday, January 05, 2009

The door closes with a loud bang.

The instant the plastic bags of food touch the old wooden table,
"Jon! Change to channel 8! So sorry, but I want to watch the Nonya show, today last episode!"
"Your show can watch other weeks, today last episode, 2 hour special, must watch!"

I have no idea why this show is so popular, neither do some of my friends, but hey, we can't speak for all the other 1 million other people who dutifully follow this drama serial. Indeed, to day is the final episode for the Nonya show, and I bet that a million other television sets are tuned in to this channel as well, is yours one of them?

~moey out~