Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Earth Hour everybody.

If you're reading this, shame shame on you! You should not be on your computer during Earth Hour! =P

Friday, March 27, 2009

Random Duo

Was looking through my photo archives and these two appeared. =)

~moey out~

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Small news

Well, ever since school was out, there has not been much of events going on. Just a few outings splattered here and there with family and friends, not much actually, I'm a homely creature by nature, BUT! I'm trying to break out of that shell nonetheless.
Been playing a lot of games as well, bringing out my gamer side once again, muahahahahah! It doesn't help that I love computer games, and hanging out with friends who love gaming just as much doesn't really help much either. =P
Time to get my gardening mojo back though, if not I'll totally lose it in NS. =/ Too much of staring into the computer is not good as well...

But of course, I still settle my head on my pillow before 11pm-12mn most of the time, so that side of me still remains intact, just in case you're wondering.

I also finally touched my piano after about half a decade, and I really need to revise everything I learnt back in the old days, but other than that, I can say I'm having a relaxing time at home. Everything going slowly and peacefully, no more rushing for projects or waking up super early(notice I didn't say 'early') to go to work.

Well, that's all about what's happening on my side of town.

~moey out~

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Note-worthy Notepad

"... we will talk about the obsolete Notepad which has ran its course."
-Blog entry dated: June 20th 2007

Obsolete? Or is it?
If you would kindly refer back to the entry stated above, I was talking about the PowerPoint programme, and the next installment of this series was slated to be about the Notepad. And indeed, this entry log IS about the notepad.

Most, if not all of us, are still using the default Notepad software included with both the Windows XP and Vista operating system (OS). This was just the most unused programme in any OS because we all have the Microsoft Word programme, so there is hardly any need for the notepad. Everybody can testify to it being almost redundant and taking up hard disk space in the computer, well, at most the programme is used for really minute recording or blogskin HTML coding.

However, with the release of the Windows 7 OS, a new and improved version of the Notepad will also be released: Wordpad 2008.
As of this point of time, the Windows 7 OS is still being tested for programme bugs and anomalies, thus the Beta version was only released last year. Oh, and 'Beta' programmes mean that it is not the real programme yet, any Beta versions are usually used for testing and feedback from people who download and try out these new softwares. Alright, so back to the new Wordpad: it's very simiar to the current Notepad, but with a few improvements. The new version is just a simplified version of Word 2007. All the ribbons (buttons) look very similar to the Word layout, and it is essentially just like Word 07 as well.

Well, why come up with Wordpad 2008? It is kind of like the poor man's Word 07, because some people cannot really afford to own the real Word 07, so Wordpad 2008 is a free software for people, and still maintains the basic functionalities of Word 07. Well, the fonts, colours, justification, etc are all the same as the current Word 07, so there isn't much of a quantum leap in user-interface (UI), but it is simply because of the similar UI that makes it easier and faster to get the hang of this new programme, and for all new programmes for that matter.

Below are the two programmes side by side. The first is the ever-familiar Notepad, while the next is the newer Wordpad 2008. It is quite a big change in UI, from a bleak and boring white layout to a more familiar UI similar to that of Word 07.

So has the Notepad ran its course? Indeed it has, but it paved the way for a newer version of itself, a much more user-friendly and engaging UI for people who just want to record things easily. Well, the operationally-ready Windows 7 OS is not out yet, of course, but when it does, I would suggest NOT to get it right off the shelf right away, because there will still be bugs and errors present, so maybe wait about 3-4 years before committing yourself to get the new OS.

Well, this brings us to the end of this mini-series of computer software updates from me. Till next time!

~your resident tech geek out~

Monday, March 16, 2009


Finally!! After waiting for 2 years, the G12 Conference is back!!! Oh anyways, G12 stands for: The Government of 12, which is the vision for my church.
Learnt so so much from these 3 days, and it was really enjoyable because the first time I attended the conference was only 1 day, so I didn't bring home much, but this time, after sitting through every single session, I brought home so much. Honestly, I brought home even more than I expected, and it'll just be a matter of time before our cell grows!
Delirious? also made a pit stop for this conference as well, and they really ministered to a lot of people through the music. Wooohoo!! I'm so glad for the whole event, and it was even cooler with the concert by Delirious?. Wonderful!!
Dickson, Eunice, Alvin and myself also got a chance to catch up with our old buddy Ryong after such a long long time as well. We went over to Gerald and Esther's place to cook up a farewell dinner for our korean buddy before he leaves later today. It was great to see him again, and it was such enjoyable night.
Well, till next year then!~

~moey out~

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Good Gracious

It departed from Bukit Merah only to end up at Yishun about an hour later. It was crowded but quite restless at the same time. My bus journey was quite enjoyable all the way home mainly because of one simple thing: Graciousness.

At that time, the bus had to stop at almost every bus stop, and people boarded and alighted. Those who boarded were mostly senior folk, and it was really heart-warming to see that people willingly gave up their seats eve though the bus was crowded. And the ones who gave up their seats were youth, and that kind of changed my perception of how Singaporean youths are. Last night was just literally like a scene taken from a Musical Chairs game; people getting up and others sitting down. Honestly, it was simply joyful to see such a sight.

This brings me to my next point: The Aging Populace.
So after the whole baby boom scene during the post-war period, after 30 odd years down the road, more citizens are becoming senior citizens. And I can't help but realise that the younger folk will have to take the country by the reigns and continue to lead us on. Indeed we have succeeded as a country because of the government, but because they are all retiring soon, the youth need to fill in the gaps, and it definitely will not be easy to fill those gigantic shoes left behind. But I for one do not wish to see Singapore fall from grace because of this, but rather embrace the older folk and still make Singapore, well......Singapore.

On a side note, Prom Night was fabulous because everybody I knew had a whole load of fun. Some had more than others, but disregarding it, I personally enjoyed it thoroughly with the friends I love and whom I will miss dearly in years to come. But that will be left for another story in the future, for now: All the Best to every Horticulture & Landscape Management Student out there!! =)

PS: Here's wishing my two dearest friends, Mr Hafiz Mustafa & Ms Marie Ho, Happy 20th Birthdays!!!~Belated by 1 day, but oh well. =D

~moey out~

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

What I think about when I can't get to sleep...

~moey out~

Monday, March 02, 2009

Wet Weather Programme

With the recent bout of rain after a scorching season, here is a list of 10 things which you might/might not want to follow:

!Individual Discretion Advised!

1) Take out your umbrellas!! One of the best inventions in the whole wide world.

2) Auto irrigation for your plants, so you can save water by not watering your outdoor plants. Indoor plants have no such privilege though.

3) Close your windows!! Unless you would like to have your very own swimming pool.

4) Bring your clothes in, lest they be knocked off from the bamboo poles and land on the floor all wet and dirty.

5) You can sing your heart out as well because nobody will be able to hear you sing with the loud background music from the rain.

6) Make hot soup!! Cream of mushroom or minestrone soup, whatever the case, a hot beverage or soup will warm the body up.

7) My personal favourite: Lock yourself at home and play computer games! Even if the rain stops, there is still the option of continuing playing. =D

8) For those who have completed their Intership Presentation can Dance In The Rain!! For those of you who have not, all the BEST! Then you can dance in the rain as well.

9) SLEEP! One of the most favourite pasttimes of Singaporeans.

10) If you just want to stay at home and do nothing, well, staring at the rain mysteriously has a therapeutical effect.

~moey out~