Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Queensland Effect

Well, it's been a whole week since our party first arrived in Brisbane, and I must say, it has been a whole journey on its own. We had so many things to complete on our to-do-list! Thankfully, things got done in a matter of days and we could rest better.

1) The first thing I noticed about the streets of Brisbane was that it was just as clean as that of Singapore, but with a lot fewer rubbish bins. They were strategically placed at intersections and they were huge ones to boot, so it could hold a lot more rubbish as well. I haven't really seen any road cleaners around, so I would assume that the Australians like to keep their country clean, I mean who wouldn't? The cleanliness of streets of any given country, in my opinion, represents how socially conscious the community is, and I dare say the Australians really regard it highly. They get a big thumbs up from me.

2) Apparently the national culture of work-life balance is quite obvious, because the roads are quickly flooded with people and vehicles all heading home from work around 5.30pm onwards. The usual traffic jams similar to those we often experience on Singapore highways and roads do happen, but they dilute just as quickly. And I feel this culture of leaving work to relax is a good thing because it encourages people to GET A LIFE. But I would assume most of their time is spent at home because around 7.30pm onwards, the streets are quite empty already, even in the city. So there have been many occasions where we were stranded out on the streets with nowhere to go to shop or eat, which is really awkward to say the least.

3) Talking about eating, the food here is not as affordable as back home, and a simple meal can cost up to AUD$10. However, having said that, the portions are huge and we have tried a lot of different cuisines, and most of them turned out better than expected. No doubt I was reluctant to spend so much on a meal, but I think it's really normal because I think the Aussies earn a fare bit more as well, so meals at that price is fine with them. Honestly, my friends and I have been eating quite a lot as well, and I won't be surprised that we will be putting on weight sooner or later. But hey, the weight can be shed off easily, and I'll just take the extra weight gained as food reserves for the coming winter season. =)

4) How's the weather here you ask? Well, it's actually quite similar to Singapore actually. It's hot and the sun is really powerful, but it's not as humid here, so the sun burns the skin more easily. The sun rises extremely early in the morning! It starts to light up the sky as early as 5am(that's 3am to those of you back in Singapore), and it kind of messes up your sleeping pattern and body clock. But hey, that's all part of adapting to a new country and environment right? It's also starting to rain more and more already, preparing for winter I guess. The nights here are starting to get colder and colder, and it has been particularly cold for me the past few nights because I don't have a blanket or a quilt yet(which I will get it by today!).

5) The prices of things here in general are more on the pricey side as well. Basic household supplies are not as affordable, but the house-brands are a mark lower than the branded ones, and honestly, some of the house-brand goods are actually quite good. I guess the cost of living here is high, and as students we have to settle for cheaper alternatives, but hey, I guess it's a whole new experience on its own as well.

6) Australians are actually quite friendly and warm, which is a strong part of their culture. Everywhere we go to, we are greeted with smiles and a simple "how are you today?" Even though it might seem routine for them to do so, it makes me feel welcomed and comfortable. It is definitely a big difference from the conservative society we come from, but I think it's a really nice thing to pick up during my stay here. I just find it awesome to be greeted constantly and to have the pleasure of reciprocating it back as well.

7) Surprisingly, I thought Australia would be a dry and arid land, but boy was I wrong. The vast expanse of land is covered by grasses and trees scattered here and there. Of course, temperate trees and plants are more common by the sides of the roads and highways, but there are a lot of tropical plants as well. We were able to spot quite a number of recognizable plants, and some which cannot grow properly in Singapore, are doing extremely well here! I guess that's the result of a different climate here, nice.

Well, it seems to me that there's more to Australia than I first anticipated, and it has been a wonderful time for me since I first set foot in this country. There are a lot more things to explore and experience and I warmly welcome anything new because that's all part of studying abroad. =)

~moey out~ 

Friday, February 03, 2012

The Big Move

It's already the year of the dragon and it's already February! Gosh, time really flies without noticing. It's just less than 24 hours more till I leave this sunny island to pursue my studies in the land of Kangaroos. The past few weeks have been consumed by administration procedures, sorting things out to pack, getting down to packing itself, and of course to spend my remaining few days with the people dear to me. Honestly, it's been a really long journey from just getting interested in all things planty and now it's about time to say goodbye and start a new journey once again. A journey where I won't know what to expect, I won't know how rough the road will be, nor the people I will meet along that road, but what I DO know is that God's looking down from above and I simply take comfort in that alone. Yes, it seems intangible, but it's something that I continually believe in and hold on to dearly.  

Well, my whole life has literally been packed into one single luggage bag, all shrink-wrapped and ready to see the new life I'm about to experience. I definitely have mixed feelings about leaving everything behind for about a year. 
Excitement comes to mind because who wouldn't be excited and eager to go on a totally new journey. Yes, there will be a lot of new things to experience, and a lot of new cultures to adapt to. But that is all part of the experience right? 
Sadness is also part of the package because I will be leaving everything else behind in Singapore. After living 23 years in the same house, in the same neighbourhood, same country, same environment, same people around you. There are so many things which I won't be able to pack into my luggage bag, and these are the things which I will most definitely miss sorely. 

My family is something which I will really miss a lot because they have been there for me my whole life, and leaving all of them behind is really heart-wrenching. I will miss my mum especially because being the only child, she has nobody else to take care of but me (not that I'm complaining). I will miss all her nagging, and even though I sometimes get ticked off by it, I think I will miss the sound of her voice, and home-sickness will kick in sooner or later. Family really keeps somebody going, and I'm glad they support me all the way.

Friends are the next thing which I will miss the most! Without them, life would be really boring. They always bring a smile to my face whenever I see them and I will dearly miss each and everyone of them. Having brothers and sisters in Christ really help me because it creates a community for me to grow and develop in. Having a common set of values to improve ourselves in really builds and strengthens the bonds between us, and I will miss all their crazy antics. My army friends have also played an integral role in my life because if not for them, NS would have been a real bore. I'm glad I met each and everyone of them and I will always remember all the times and moments we spent together doing weird and crazy things. I will also miss the boys because they bring so much joy and laughter every Saturday, and I don't know what I would be doing every weekend if not for them. Seeing each and everyone of them grow up from young kids to teenagers really makes me proud, and I'm sure they will grow to be fine young men when I return. I will also miss my secondary school and polytechnic friends (those who are not studying in Australia) because they have knowingly or unknowingly influenced me when I was growing up and I really treasure each and every one of them.   

I will also miss my plants just outside my doorstep. Though they are not some super rare species of plants, but they're special to me because I have also seen them 'grow up' when I first obtained them. Most have flowered religiously for me over the past few years and I'm really grateful for them as well because they really brought cheer and colour to the dull corridor of mine. I hope my mum will be able to take care of them and I will be able to come home to a beautiful corridor once again.

Of course in Singapore, food is an integral part of my life as well. Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian, and most definitely Malay cuisine. I will miss each and every one of them because being delicious is one thing, affordable as well!? Who wouldn't miss it?! I know I would, and I'm sure cravings will slowly creep up on me when I think of home. But we will do our best to cook our own over there in Australia, and hopefully, it will satiate some cravings if possible.

Despite the recent transport breakdowns and let-downs, I will also miss the regular buses and trains. Singapore being an island city, the transportation infrastructure is top-notch in my opinion, and I will miss the constant rumble of buses going by me. I will miss the safety of just making my way home alone at 12midnight, with no worries of being mugged by some homeless person who is desperate enough to do such a thing.

No doubt I will miss all these homely comforts, but I signed up for this knowing all the things I will miss in Singapore, but I will also be missing out on greater things if I don't go. Yes, I will miss Singapore, but there are so many things out there which I have yet to explore, so yes, I want to grab this opportunity to go out into the world to see new things! Well, I guess this is farewell from me within the yellow-orange walls of my room. 

~moey out~