Sunday, October 26, 2008

Well, a really long weekend this time. 3 whole days of relaxation and recuperation, and I am SO glad that there is no work tomorrow. Not that I hate it, but I guess working non-stop is really draining, and weekends such as this is excellent to re-energise the whole being.

The economic situation is also taking a swin in the deep end of the pool which doesn't really have any lifeguards, hahahaha. But all comedy aside, I don't really know how bad this will get, what with all the bad news and ever-dropping market shares and mumbo jumbo which I have absolutely no idea what they're all about. All I know is that the prices of certain things will increase while others decrease, and that's about it I guess, hahaha. Ah well, I don't know what else to say about this issue though.

On a lighter note, this weekend has been a worry-less one, and I'm really glad that there is still one more last day before the work week starts all over again. Learnt a lot since my last post here and I'm so so thankful that nothing bad has happened yet. But I believe that it will not so smooth sailing all the way, challenges will definitely be thrown at me for a particular reason: Moulding, but I like to call it Pruning (which is much more relatable to some of us). While others see it as a 'why must I go through this torture' moment, I guess it's actually a way that God uses to mould our character. All this pruning will eventually pay off, like how you would prune a tree, it will eventually turn out the way you want it to, likewise, we will turn out just like that. Hahaha, yea, I might sound preachy and all, but I just want to pen this down to help me remember things like these. Pruning will initially be painful and ugly, we all go through these kind of moments, and most of us complain, even I do, but I learnt that complaining is not really the way to go. Just bite your teeth, just go through it, and then reflect on the stuff which you did. It won't be easy during the process, but I feel that when we go through these obstacles, we come out stronger, character-wise. I was taught that the character is THE most important thing which God looks out for, not the car which you own, not the big bank account you have and not even the multi-million dollar house you live in. It is this intangible thing which is important, and it's something which we all have, just whether we want to develop it, or just throw it aside whenever we like.
Hahaha, I might come across as the good and innocent guy, but I also have my own flaws, so don't come and say that I'm perfect, because I'm so far from it, hahaha.

Hahaha, I guess this little post ends here, my sermon is done, HAHAHA.... ah well, just wishing everyone a good week ahead and a very Happy Deepavali as well!!

~moey out~

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Jeepers Creepers

It's already the middle of this week, time really flew by this particular week. Well, all over Singapore, creeping plants can be found all over and, sadly, sometimes some creepers end up as weeds in a particular area instead. Although they can bear extremely extravagant flowers and foilage, some places just cannot fit all these different plants in such a small place. With all these plants growing over each other, dead plant matter just accumulates, and a small thug will release a truckload of dead leaves and branches on you.
The amount of climbers is astounding, and it's quite amazing that these plants are able to grow and creep on themselves, hahahaha, talk about holding your own weight.

Anyways, it's already reaching the end of this week, and a whole lot more things to learn every single day. Alright then, take care everyone and rejoice, for the rainy season is upon us!

~moey out~

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


So fast another birthday this month, hahahaha.
20 full years, a lot more years to come as well. Thanks for all the laughter and fun you brought to us, especially yours truly. Really glad that I know you and a true brother in Christ, if only you were my real brother, hahaha, ah well, thanks anyways for always being there when needed, stay healthy, stay happy, but most of all, don't stay single!!! LOL =P

~moey out~

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Now everybody's releasing new touchscreen phones, they're really cool and interesting, but all the major handphone makers keep releasing new phones at one shot, it's just overwhelming. First it was LG with the Viewty, then Sony Ericsson, the Apple with the iPhone, now it's Nokia with an iPhone look-alike.

Guess everything's going to go touchscreen, from food menus, to computer monitors, to microwaves and maybe, just maybe, toilet seats. I won't be surprised that they already exist right now. Maybe even textbooks will become touchscreen, so kids can just scroll their fingers over a screen to flip to a certain chapter or something, and typing on a keyboard can be done on your bed, while your monitor is actually projected on your room's wall. The prospect of it sounds very very cool, but then human beings will just become lazier by the day, and soon, the depiction of humans in WALL-E will really come true. Anyhows, I guess we will just wait and see how long humans can control technology before the roles are reversed(sounds like some Terminator story line)

Let me leave you all with this: Technology is an essential component in out lives(hey, it's enabling me to blog this entry now), but will it become such a big part of our lives that we start to lose the authentic human touch?
-Food for thought, maybe you can throw in a dessert while you're thinking as well.-

~moey out~

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Hahahaha, finally your birthday has arrived!!! Enjoy yourself and stay crazy as always man!! =P

~moey out~