Fire warmthAh man!! The weather is really killing me, and the humidity coupled with the sheer heat from the sun is really intense. Perspiring like nobody's business, and it's not fun at all, hahaha. And speaking of heat, there was a fire drill today for Gkidz, and it was crazy to say the least. It lasted a whole half hour, and we all had to stand out in the scorching sun for 300+ children to evacuate the building, hahaha, and not just the upper primary kids, also those in nursery and kindergarden. Insane number of children in our church, wooo!!
So anyway after the whole fiasco, we went back in and had free time, so we ended up playing catching, and it's been a long time since I perspired in church, hahaha, really had a lot of fun with the boys. And of course, after half a year, the boys finally let me snap shots of them:
Joshua. The brainy one of the group. This guy is really brainy, and very gifted intellectually, both in academics and bible knowledge, and you can always depend on him to give the right answers. He actually plays a lot of computer games as well, but they're those flash-based ones, so I don't really know what they are, but still interesting to know more about them.
Ah yes, Colin in red, and Jireh in blue. Colin is the energetic one of the group, he always runs around, and cannot sit still(trust a primary 4 to do that), and he is quite mischevious I must say. A lot of interesting ideas coming out of that mouth of his, and can be lame at times.
Jireh is the leany one of the group. He just cannot stop leaning on me, as if he has no backbone(no matter how often I remind him that he has one, he still insists he is like a jellyfish). So anyways, besides being leany, he is actually an all-rounder, knows a lot of things, and is very sociable.
Isaac, the one with the flair for mischieve. Don't be fooled by that chubby face of his, this guy can be extremely naughty sometimes. Really likes to get physical with the rest, and sometimes even with me, hahaha, but of course, I see that he doesn't go too far with the wrestling. Very intelligent kid as well, and fun to be with every week.
Just a quick group picture, and the guy on my left is Ryan. The quiet one of the group. I can still remember that the first day he joined us, he was crying and reluctant to join us for worship. But as the weeks went by, he really warmed up to all of us, and just like any other 10 year old, he can gey crazy at times, but I'm not complaining because I'm a bit crazy myself. =P
The one missing is Timothy, who took this picture. He is still very camera-shy, so I guess it'll be a while longer before he shows up on camera.
But honestly, these guys have really made every Sunday an enjoyable one for me. Looking back at this half a year, I didn't expect to enjoy myself that much. But I guess it'll be a really fun and crazy 2 and a half more years before they all go to secondary school, and we'll be a true cell group. But before that happens, I guess there'll be more trails and fun to come, and I fell really blessed that I get to spend my time with these wonderfully cute but insane group of boys.
Anyways, everyone seems to be posting their attachment locations. Well, I'll just say that I'm going to Singapore Botanic Gardens, and it was just a matter of time I guess. There'll be a lot of learning to do, and a lot of new people to meet, but I love meeting people, and I know it won't be easy, but I know that He has gone before me and paved the way for me to go. So I'll just follow where He leads, and be glad that everyday brings new things and new discoveries. =)
I also finally got time to catch up with Calvin, and he got selected as a PTI, so he'll be training newbies who enter NS. Hahahaha, might be me next year, and he had urban warfare last week. Hearing from what he told me, it was really like CS, throwing flashbangs, grenades, night-vision goggles, and SAR 21 rifles. I mean how cool is that?! A state-of-the-art gun at your disposal(blank rounds though), night-vision goggles(SUPER COOL!!!!), and a grenade in hand, tell me how uncool can you feel? Not at all!!! Hahaha, but I guess you only get to play with these toys in SISPEC and upwards only, so if you're planning on becoming a clerk, I think only illustrations can suffice.
Alright, enough ranting on and on about events, not I need to get some installing done on my mum's lappy, and I'll knock out for the night. Take care all!!
~moey out~