Sooooooo,today was a kinda eventful day for me...ok lets see,class started at 2pm with Hydroponics was kinda dry,but i guess there wasn't much choice to skip it.....but the main event today was our very 1st gardening session with Dr Koh....
it started at 4pm,and it too started to pour cats and dogs.....those poor animals....T_T
so anyways,we started by transferring some plants(never seen them b4) from flimsy platic coverings which acted like pots,to real pots....some of the girls were like kinda freaked out(esp malyna,kekeke) cause Dr Koh did a demo,and he spotted an earthworm in the midst of the soil,so like Malyna said,it was like Fear Factor,but we all still had to go on transferring the plants,so we all got started...
once we were done,the rain finally stopped,so we all went outside where we had to plant Codiaeum Variegatum along the side of the road.

so,there were 19 plants in total,and it was really a tedious job to say the least....{if any1 of u watched Project Runway,this plant was used by Santino during one of the challenges which required designers to use plants}
so anyways,firstly,we had to dig really deep holes to put these plants inside,and while we were doing the digging,a lot of ppl going home,all stared at us....-_- it was a lil irritating la,cause its not as if u have never seen people/bangla doing these jobs mah,so we were like unpaid banglas' doing this.... so when we were done,i was sweating buckets,but it was kinda fun to a certain extent, cause we had a few good laughs and there was finally a bit of bonding between some of the other classmates.... =)
so we concluded our work at around 5.30pm,and it was when the rain started to pour all over again,but it was even harder this time....-_-''''
therefore,i decided to go to my mum's office to meet her and get a ride home.....i thought it would only take 30-45 mins to go home,but i TOTALLY forgot about the rush hour traffic,in the end,it took at least 1hr to get home....along the way,my mum was like complaining how her co-worker got on her nerves,and she just kept b!tching about the whole thing lor...... hahaha,i really wouldn't want to get on her bad side,kinda scary =/........
that's it for today,tml will be a boring day for me,i have to attend the even week IAC class to make up for my absecence last week....T_T,total strangers again......bleah.......
so till next time....
PS: my Dit FINALLY reached lvl 60!!!! woooooo,Dark ID so COOL!!!!! XD
~moey out~
~moey out~