Tuesday, November 14, 2006

well,this entry is going up because on recent events in my school.
the thing which im referring to is my Interdisciplinary Studies(IS) class. its a module where people from different courses end up together attending the same module.for those lucky ones they could end up with their frens from other courses....
well,im just introducing the brief background of the module,but the main point im trying to say is this: this module is somehow creating a rift between my classmates.
ok,lemme xplain further......in this module,there are classes where we have about 4-5 ppl from the same course in the same class,so naturally,we would stick with our own peeps right.....
so only recently did i find out that my classmates are stressing and pissed over the projects required by the module...i mean i have frens getting pissed at each other beacause of some reason which im not very sure,but i just find it worrying...
honestly i dunno if my frens are pissed at me,but my group has not even started on a lot of things yet,so maybe the pissing will start later....
but anyways,i just wanna state this point: Friends are people who go through thick and thin with you.
i mean,i personally feel that its ok to get pissed at ur own frens,but forgiveness is also essential lor, and along the way,we should help each other,especially in the areas which they aren't very good at. we should like help make up for each other's bad aspects and quietly accept it lor i guess....if we find that our teammates are not doing their jobs,then just go talk to them nicely lor ( i know its not as easy as it sounds), but i find that its the way to go to solve such problems lor...

well, i guess this is just a suggestion from me,i know such things wont be solved quickly or easily,but just get through the projects 1st lor,settle the disputes later,tats wat i would say....
haha oh well,i believe things will work out somehow =)

PS:im referring to people in general,not any1 in particular,sry if u get offended and start to hate me =/
~moey out~