Alrighty wasn't a really bad day as i thought it would be...
firstly i started the day going to Suntec City for the Singapore Garden Festival (16th-25th Dec 2006) all the year 1s and 2s went. we all had a quick guided tour through the various exibitions,and my group was guided by a eurasian gal from NParks {Bal had the hots for her too :P} so it only lasted for about 30 mins and we really got to see quite a few excellent landscape works by overseas and local talents... the highlight was when all of us got to see our very own NP booth. it had a variety of plants and the props were all hand-made and there were quite a few teddy bears around,and all of us were wondering what the purpose was for them to be there....hahaha....Nis and GZ were even asking if they could bring back the teddy bears la.....oh boy....hahahaaa...... the problem is that all of us have to be on duty at the booth during certain days,and mine will be on Christmas day itself!!!! and we were instructed to explain what our booth is about,but we dont even have the slightest idea on wat it is about in the 1st place la.....-_-''
oh well...anyway after the tour,we(minus a few peeps) went to Puncak @ Far East to eat our lunch and yea,after the meal we all split up and went our seperate ways....
as for me,i was headed to Causeway Point to re-service my hp again!!! AGAIN!!!! i just did that like in September la.....and for the similar reason AGAIN--sms totally laggy!!!! T_T when i got there,the queue was superkalifragalisticexpialydocious longggggg when i got my waiting number,there was the estimated time for me to wait till my turn and it said : 45mins....
sheesh!!! 45 feakin minutes!??! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz lolz,i hesitated but eventually left to go back home,45mins is just too long to wait lor......i guess i gotta go some other time.....
so after a wasted $2,i went back to Yishun and met up with Zai and Man to watch Eragon,and it was an average movie la... lemme just briefly offer a few spoilers of the movie:
The movie basically revolves around a legend, and it says that Man and dragons once lived prosperously together, but then this baddie(4got his name) wanted more power,so he killed every other dragon and dragon riders(or so he thought), and became the ultimate ruler of the land. Then this pretty warrior gal appears with a stolen dragon egg from this baddie king. So the king's socerer attacks this gal to take back the egg, but she teleported the egg and it appears in front of Eragon. He takes it back home thinking it is some kind of jewel, but only when it hatched, he realised it was a dragon egg. The baby dragon(btw,is xtremely cute) breathes fire on Eragon's palm and creates this emblem to signify that Eragon is the Rider of this dragon,whose name is Saphira. They can communicate thru their thoughts. They meet this ex dragon rider(who ends up training Eragon), and they were on their way to the rebellion camp(which, obviously, is trying to rebel against the king). But halfway,Eragon dreams about the warrior gal and goes to save her,costing the ex dragon rider's life. So they continue to the rebel camp and it is soon attacked by the king's minion and his royal guard,accompanied by the socerer. Eragon appears with Saphira,both fully clad in shiny armour and goes around burning the bad dudes. The climax is when the socerer conjures up his own dark dragon and fights with Eragon,but of course Eragon wins. The ending scene is where the king got so mad that he revealed his very own real dragon. Is just ends like that.
so that is actually the whole movie in a nutshell. its obviously does not end there la,but i was expecting a wholelot more from this movie,but oh well........there will definitely be a part 2 la,but who knows when it will come out. when i watched it, i had the LOTR feeling all over again. i think the director of Eragon wanted to match it with LOTR,and i realised the characters had some kind of relation. k lemme see:
--there is Eragon the swordsman (Aragon in LOTR, also a swordsman){names almost the same}
--the warrior gal (Arwen in LOTR as well)
--Eragon likes the gal ( so did Aragon and Arwen){Eragon is only 17 yrs old,the gal is probably 20+,so much gap between their ages,lol,weird love}
--some archer guy who comes to save Eragon (Legolas in LOTR)
--the ex dragon rider(Gandalf the Grey in LOTR)
--the baddie socerer(Saruman in LOTR)
--the minions who resembled orcs ( obviously the orcs in LOTR)
--the king's royal guard (Uruk-hai in LOTR)
--the baddie king himself (Sauron,but with a whole body,not just tat big eyeball)
so u see,it really has that LOTR feel to it,but the battle scenes of course, cannot match up to LOTR la,tats for sure. so in my view, i can only give the movie 3.5/5 stars. slightly above average probably due to the added element of the dragon,if not for it,it would be another part of LOTR....hahahha... lets see if there will be a part 2 coming out anytime soon ya......
till next time peeps =)
~moey out~