Thursday, December 28, 2006

Oh the AGONY!!!!
the holidays are just about over, and i hardly had any fun at all..... well, the most i had was during the official exam week for our sch,but my course didnt have any more but after that week, it was,lets say, the worst holiday i ever had..
the following week i had to stay in hospital the almost the whole week but i shall not say why, so virtually i only have 1 week left.....
then came the Christmas holiday, and like every Christmas, my parents will start to quarrel and it just pisses me off...... so not a very 'silent night' la...... after that, its going to get intensive on projects all over again, CommT,which btw,my group has to already present on the 1st day of school!!!! argh...... the pressure is so so intense.....
what's left is only the few days before and after new year, but honestly i think it would all be spent stressing over the commt presentation.....zzzzzzzzzzzz
oh well....i guess i wont have to go thru such a horrible holiday experience again.....

~moey out~