eventful day today.... started off with free labour once again at Clementi Woods....lolx....digging and digging and more digging.....we all had to get our hands dirty by lossening up the soil where we planted spider lilies 2 weeks ago....so after tat, we had to add A LOT of fertilizers to the soil...well,to be exact,we were adding mulch(black ring of stuff u see around trees/plants),yea those stuff....so we got down and dirty and spread 3 whole sacks of the black stuff all around.....
it was tiring stuff man...so we ended around 10.45am,then the gang headed to makan,while Ben headed off for his bike practical lesson,so 7 peeps were left behind....
after re-fuelling,we headed to dear marky's house again...and every1 washed up and rushed our plant maintenance project lor....ahahhahaha....Iqbal was me team's ''drawer''...hahaha,so he drew the last few stuff which he was required to,then marky,bal and myself coloured the whole design lor...i wasnt too keen on colouring la,but then it hit me that this would be graded,and my team members put in a lot of effort,so i just got on with colouring to the best of my ability lor....
it actually turned out quite ok la,considering that it was extremely last minute work(which im not particulary used to =X) so we still had a bit of colouring left to do when we got back to class,so we sat at the back and finished off the work.....just in the nick of time...phew,and we all had a group pic taken:

it was really last minute,and thanks to Dian who helped us take it........woooooo,its been quite a long while since we all took a group pic again...hahahhahah....
so after class,bal,mark,ben all headed off,the rest of us stayed back a while to take a few more random shots and a few for GZ's photography project.....
so yea,it was a good day in the end and every1 was hyper cause its the weekends once again!!! wooooooohoooooo,and i thought i had to go for my BB meeting at 7.30pm,but in the end,my chairman came and told me it was only for appointment holders,hahahhaha,and i wasnt one of em,so i like wasted 1 whole hour waiting for a meeting which im not involved in la....aiyoooo,blur me....hahahhaha,but at least i got to catch up the few guys and gals b4 i headed home lor......yup yup....great day all in all.... weekends approaching...more work to do, and more stuff enjoy as well.. =)
~moey out~