hmmmm,so just had a quick guitar session with Gerald just now,he came over to ma house(and got lost along the way,expected la..hahaha) and we played like 2 hrs lor....learnt a few new songs,and played a few songs which we pumped up the volume really fast and loud...woooh000!! gotta love fast songs ^^
so he left to go watch Fantastic 4,LOL,now then he watch....well,at least its with Esther,so not tat bad i guess,its the company tat counts as well....
so now part of me wants to study,but the other part of me wants to just do nothing at all.....sheesh....i guess have to study lor....or else i'll have another failure on my hands,and its not a pretty sight i must add....
so on to revising for boichemistry then....oh man,the everyday turmoils of schooling teens...
~moey out~