okok,well,apparently, its been a crazy weekend i must say.....saturday's charity walk was a real killer....

i had to take note of oncoming traffic, from in front of me and my right, and people coming from behind....well,to put it simply, i wished i had 3 arms,cause 2 aint enough for this job....seriously,i had to keep looking in these 3 directions to make sure it was safe for the walkers to cross the road....haiyooo,i tell u, most of the time the drivers stopped for the people to cross, but ESPECIALLY those on motorcycles CANNOT wait to go la....they kept revving their engines to make sure i can hear to let them pass....-_-'' i just ignored them la,cause the flow of human traffic was intense,i couldn't find an opening to stop the people to let traffic pass.....
so yea, we stood there for about 3 hours la....7.45am to about 11.30am.....during tat time, my tribe peeps walked by, and took a pic with me...haha,wish i was in a more glam situation....and my family also walked pass, teasing me as they went la....hahhaha.....but i cou;dn't entertain them la....too busy with directing traffic......and by the time it ended, i was seriously going to vomit la...i was giddy and enhausted....i needed to sit down rest....i could hardly keep my eyes open as well.....it was worse than planting plants at clementi woods la....but i was partly to blame,cause i just had tea for breakfast....
hahahahha,oh well....but honestly,it was a really good experience for me...last year i was also a marshal, but it wasn't as intense as this year....phewww,glad that i made it through in 1 piece.....
sunday was actually quite ok i must say, i took Dickson's kids single-handed and i was expecting it to be tough, but apparently,i could get their attention more,compared to the 1st time i started with them....muahhahahha,i can fairly say i improved.... =)
and in the evening the cell went to east coast to chill out and do a bit of sharing of the 100k, and going home, we saw a fight happening between a malay family and a malaysian chinese family at a carpark.....i dont wanna say the details here, but like my previous previous post, racial sensitivity is really important here,and the slightest comment can disturb the peace on our island.....
today's test was ok la,i didnt really study for the Green Vision test, only after recieving mj's sms at 5.45am then i went to look up info on the internet...HAHHAHA....really last minute revision...but the test was aights la.....well,with some 'help' frm mj of course....then we both stayed back at 6th floor to comtinue our AutoCAD,and in the process,we could relate a few people from class 3 to a few of us....lol....a few of them talked like a few of us,like jun chen, yan shan, and 1 sounded like mj, but he denied...oh well...hahaha,but it was hilarious to hear ppl talk like us la....so yea,end of today....guess its still gonna be a long week ahead.... =/
oh well...nightz people!!
~moey out~