Anyway, a turn of events happened after school, with the I&E situation, so I'm really praying hard that we won't need to hand in a whole lot of paper work and proof, mainly because we don't have any. Oh well, just hope nothing worse happens in the near future.
It's only the 3rd week of school, and a lot of things have to be done, and a lot of projects to complete. Like Nisa said:" It's only the 3rd week la, must chiong so many things liao."
Indeed girl, indeed, I totally agree with you, it's just a lot of things to do.
Ah well, I guess its expected of year 2s', and it will only get tougher, hahahaha, so much for boosting everyone's morale. But I do believe we can all pull through this semester, I don't doubt it for a second, I know there will be trials and tribulations throughout this whole semester, but if we all stick together and keep the love strong, I KNOW WE CAN MAKE IT THROUGH!!
Hahahaha,just want to add a bit of humour to this post. The picture on the left is from GZ's comic strip on his blog, the guy on the right is my korean lecturer. Hahahaha,I don't know about you, but I find there is a resemblence between both of them. LOL!! But to be honest, my lecturer (Mr Kwon) is really really good, and I won't ask for any other teacher. He's really funny and even though the lesson is difficult, he makes an effort to help all of us understand. And even though he was sick yesterday, he still came to teach us, and I'm really blessed to have him to teach me 한 글. 감 사 함 니 다!
~moey out~