This was taken when I was 3 years old, hahahaha, full of cuteness right? My hair still filled my head back then,no spiky hair yet, just the good old fashion student hairstyle. I didn't smile because a few of my teeth dropped out, so I didn't think it would look good in my picture, so my mouth was sealed tight. You'll see what I mean later.
Moving on, this was taken 1 year later, at 4 years old. THIS is the picture which my mum and I both agree, is me at my most handsome stage, seriously. The neat gel-like hair on my scalp, and that smile which can enchant a tigeress. I really think this is my peak in my life, hahahaha,everybody's peak is in their 20's, mine is when I'm 4 years old. I take a glance at this, and I don't really see a Singaporean here, more like a Filipino Chinese boy, hahahahaha, oh well.
Ok,this is when I was in Primary 2, 8 years old. Well, the smile is back to sealed lips and the hair is just longer. This is where my eyebags started to appear and it just got worse from there. I think I was slightly plump here, what with all the eating and gorging myself with fast food.
Ah yes, the stage where I put on quite a fair amount of weight. This is me at 11 years old, be-spectacled and fat. Hahahaha,the classic round glasses and that double chin is typical of a nerd. The G.I hairstyle started off from here and it still maintains till this very day, hahahaha. This was when computers started to invade our lives and I got hooked onto them and glued my eyes to the screen almost everyday.
13 years old!! The worst I have ever looked and felt. Just take a look for a second: my hair is all messed up, my eyebags are as bad as ever, the tie is crooked, and I'm so fair. This is how I looked when I kept staring into the computer screen every single day for at least 4 hours, and I just look ragged and messy. I was a walking fashion disaster back in those days. Once again, I couldn't even smile properly, thus adding to the boring and mundane life of yours truly.
The not too distant future of me, at 16 years old. At the prime of my secondary school life and CCA life. I didn't change much, apart from the uniform, the eyebags are still there though. But at least my smile here looks slightly more warm compared to 3 years ago. Here I was still kind of plump though, just that you can't see it on my face. Was glad to be graduating from secondary school here, away from all the tests and exams and revision. Sadly, its no different right now in Poly.
Well, this is the Jonathan all of you are familiar with. At 18 years old, I only changed a bit: spiky hair, slightly darker skin tone, and of course, a MUCH bigger and brighter smile. This was taken for my baptism registration, and it was just the spur of the moment thing when I was shopping with my mum. Eyebags still there, but at least the smile over-shadows the ugly eyebags. Hahahahaha, the typical cheery personality of me!! :)
Ok,so that was the short journey of mine throughout my childhood to teenhood. Now the following photos are just some of my cuter photos when I was still a toddler:
You can never be greedy enough on your birthday. Ask for as much as possible and hope to recieve it on your birthday. This was when I was only a year old, at my mum's friend's house. Mango cake, my favourite ever since, hahahahaha. Amen, *digs into cake*
Who ever said guys cannot play with soft toys? I honestly cannot remember those toys, but I sure do look happy in that picture, so I guess soft toys were the hottest toys back then. :P Here, my two front teeth dropped, and new ones started to grow, so I was the opposite of Bugs Bunny back then, hahahaha.
Hahahahahah! My vocation already laid out for me when I was only 2 years old, LOL. A bouquet of flowers set in front of me. A testament to my future working path, hahahaha, really surprising to see such a photo taken so many years ago. A young florist in the making!! :D
This was at Calvin's previous home at Tampines, and high socks were the IN thing back then. Every kid on the block had high socks and you were considered a weirdo if you wore low socks. Hahahaha, how much fashion has changed over one decade.
The cover boy of Toddler's magazine 1995. That pose and that aura of confidence was what made me look so cute and handsome here. Hahahaha, I have no idea where this was taken, but it sure is kind of nice to know I knew how to pose for a good picture back in those days. And that smile, ah yes, that smile, it just lights up everyones' day every single time. Hahahaha.
And of course, not forgetting the Brothers 3. This was Fred's birthday at my grandma's place. My 2 closest cousins ever since childhood, and looking at this photo back then, all 3 of us changed A LOT since then. But I guess that bond there will never fade, and will definitely stand the test of time.
A nice ending to my photo show of my childhood, and all those memories a decade ago. Hahaha,so ya, this is the end of the post, and I just want to say that all of us should cherish our youth now. Enjoy while we can, and party on when we're young, because when we all grow older, we can look back on times like these and re-live those memories of being young again, and living free in this world.
So a very good night to everyone and sweet dreams!! =)
~moey out~