Met up with RoS to have breakfast at Mac, then when I was just settling down, John walked in!! Hahahaha, really been a long time since I saw that guy, and he joined us for archery a little bit, btu had to go home to study for his upcoming paper next week. So just played a bit of archery, then switched to basketball fot a while, then switched back to archery.
Dan,Reggy,RoS,Cyndy and myself were driven to HQ by the Magician himself. Hahahaha, and so headed there for Primers Challenge briefing, and had a rundown of all the activities we were going to do: like whitewater rafting, waterfall abseiling, cave trekking. These 3 are the main highlights of the camp, and of course, like any other overseas trip, there will be shopping, and we are going to have it in Ipoh, so late night shopping!!!! Muahahahaha, so cool to just hang out with the gang at night and shop around. We all were split into 5 groups, 8 Primers in each, and sadly, my group had the most absentees today, so only 5 of us met, guess we are going to meet the others on Friday. I think I'm the oldest in the group, but I haven't asked the other guys yet, so going to get to know more about them during the camp.
Just really excited about going overseas, but worried at the same time, but oh well, I know things'll work out somehow.
So Magician fetched us all back to our homes(Thank You Mr Chim!), and I headed to meet Rino at his place to do a bit of jamming. When I got there, he let me try all his Hari Raya cookies, and by the way, it's the first time I ate any Raya cookies this year. And as usual, they were delicious, and those made by him were just as good. Yummy! Then we headed to Fiz's place to play at his house. I learnt a bit from the both of them, and a new song in my playlist. We could have continued a bit longer if Fiz didn't show us the movie: The Shooter. It turned out to be a really good movie about snipers and how they work, it was nice to see all the dead accurate shots everytime, but I still didn't like the gore portion of the show though, hahahahhaa.
Yup, so I just came home, all sticky and smelly and dead tired. Then Zheng Hao called just now as he was on his way to eat dinner. He's all lonely tonight, so he forced poor tired me to join him for dinner. -_-'' And according to him, me being out the whole day is an example of an 'Active lifestlye' Hahahaha,whatever he says, I just agree and nod my head. So ya, NOW I'm going to rest and sleep soon. :P
~moey out~