Look at the time, and you might think that I'm out of my mind. Well, not yet, I'm up so late because I need to edit my group's presentation for our big earphone project. Hahaha, and thankfully, I'm done and now I can ease my mind. Well, today also marks another year since my birth. Hahaha, 1 year ago on this very day, I was also in the midst of my toilet project. Last year was with TNN, this year I'm staying up late with V.I, hahahaha, what's next? Anyways I'm glad to be one more year older again, more mature, wiser and able to take on bigger responsibilities in life. Really glad I'm 19, older than most of my peers, but one step closer to NS, oh well, it'll come sooner or later, so no point worrying too much over it.
Anyways, friday Mark and GZ came over to my place to spend the night, because we had to complete our LD project, and it was a productive 2 days I must say, because we got the work done, and now I can safely say 60% of the work has been completed, now it's down to the final leg of the race. Hahahaha, throughout the whole time while we were doing the drawings, we were just crapping around, well, I was doing most of the crapping, because if a night goes by so silently, it won't be much fun, and furthermore, I hardly get any guests in my house, so it was fun for me personally. Had a freat time with those 2 dudes, and it was good to play host to them. A little accident happened at the toilet, but it's alright, no problems. Hahahahahaha!
The guys left on Saturday afternoon, and I went to meet my family because they wanted to bring me out for my birthday celebration dinner. It was not too bad, Telok Ayer Street's Manna Korean Restaurant. The food was very nice, but I was a bit exhausted, so I didn't talk much, hahahaha, sad case. But after that, we wenbt to this new place called Privé. It's located at Keppel Bay, near VivoCity. It's an extremely new place, and it's a diner, gastrobar and sea-side yacht club all rolled into one. Sadly we went at night, because if it was the day, the view would have been much better, but hey, it wasn't that bad, and with good company, it didn't matter at all. That place is a good place for romantic moments by the sea, and it's totally free, and the wind there is amazing! It hardly stops blowing, and the cool night air is a rare feeling for me. Alrighty, now I just need to go sleep and rest my mind, and see all of you very soon!

The durian cake in front was simply amazing! D.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s!

Group shot!

Hahaha, the cousins' expressions.

By the Keppel Bay.

Team V.I! Hahahaha, it was great working with you bunch of brutes! =D
~moey out~