Greetings everyone! Well,just came home from a really tiring day, hahahaha, ah well, Sundays, a day to rest from school. So anyway why am I home so late?? Well, everyone knows about the DHL balloon right? Hahahaha, yup, you guessed it, I just went up there! It was apprehensive at first, but thankfully it wasn't that bad, and I had my cell group, well the guys anyways, to all go up together, and it was a really cool ride! Literally, because the wind up there is really blowing and this time of the year, it's really chilly, and it was really cool. Hahaha, took a few shots up there, and honestly, the camera distracted me from thinking about the altitude I was at, so ya, here they are:
Anyone know the name of this building??
National Library!
Dickson, Steven & Calvin.
Yours truly & Adriannn.
Da cousins!
Group shot~!
Back on terra firma.
This little adventure wouldn't have been possible without the help of Lionel, and I really want to thank him for arrangning this for us all, and the guy on the extreme left,Thomas,Lionel's old buddy, helped us out, and it was great that they did. Thanks a lot guys!!
Now its back to projects and more deadlines, so I'm turning in now, very late for me already, so good night and sleep well everyone!

~moey out~