Friday was the big presentation for everyone, and it was quite interesting to see all the projects put up by all the other groups, and it was nerving to find out that our lecturer had extremely high expectations for the project. Well, all I can say is that he is really preparing us for the working world when we enter it, because I guess the way it works will be similar, if not exactly the same as how we all worked throughout these few months.
Well, my group was the last of the last to present, and before our turn, we really rushed a critical portion of the presentation which, I admit, was partially my fault, but it worked out for the best anways. Hahahaha, it was a really rushy moment for us all, and like Wen Wei said: "this is one of the few times we really worked together as a team." Hahahaha, and I really agree, all of us chipped in to finish the bubble diagram, and it was actually very well done, and it didn't look like last minute work at all, LOL. The presentation went well, and we were all happy with ourselves, and our lecturer was pleased with it as well, so all the effort finally paid off!
Hmmmm, I know a lot of my friends are angry and pissed with the lecturer, I personally was stressed over how he conducted his lessons as well, but from a different point of view, he was really preparing us for the working world. A project will be given to you, and within a time period, come up with something worthy of your post and talents, and pleasing to the client. Well, for me, I'd rather face this kind of stress now than to face it in the future, because now is the training ground for us all, and might as well make the best use out of it. I believe that everyone in both classes put in a lot of effort and finances into this project, and I hope to see everybody pass this module. And of course, all of us are extremely happy to be done with this project and finally have time to concentrate on the exams after Chinese New Year, T_T.
So anyways, really glad to have worked with you buggers for this whole project, and I wouldn't wish for any other team members. All the way Haga De Neuvos!!! Well done!!! Wooooohoooo!!! Go salesmen!!! =P

Ah yes, our ever sarcastic leader with his constant self-proclaimed holiday one-liners. But in all honesty, this brother is really hardworking and he spent countless nights staying up to smoothen out the rough edges of this project, and the other 3 of us will treat this guy to a meal!! Yummy....

From left: Gao Zheng(Boss), Marky(The whiner), Wen Wei(The crazy Sir), and myself(The nutty one)

Hahaha, candid shot!! Can't call it a good project without a good fun shot together! =)
~moey out~