Okiez, seriously, it's 2 straight days of going out with friends. Yesterday was with the HLM gang, and it was a really good time out together. Firstly, Nisa, Malyna, MJ and myself went to visit Iqbal in NUH, we expected it to be quite bad, but thankfully, yesterday he was in the best condition thus far. Just get well soon bro! All our prayers are with you, and we WILL see you next semester ya!
After that, we waited for GZ and Marky to turn up for dinner with us at Simpang's Spize. It was actually one of the better meals we had, and I agree with mark that the food there was much better compared to the usual western haunt opposite Beauty World.
After that the 6 of us headed to Simei to chill out and chat around as usual. A lot of things were brought up, and a few more to come soon, but it was still a good outing with the group, because it's been a really long time since we saw each other, the last being after the exams. So it was a good time to catch up with each other.

Today I also went out with the SP gang this time, 6 peeps as well: Hafiz, Rino, Izzy, Ayun, Daryll and myself went to just chill out at Fiz's place initially, so we had dinner there. Then after that, headed down to Toa Payoh to do a bit of shopping, and most of us ended up with new hoodies, all of the same brand as well, hahahaha. Daryll was pissed off with the bad quality hoodies he tried on, and he just went emo for a while, hahaha. So after that, we went to Mac to chill, and the guys taught Izzy and me a new thumb game, and it was so fun we couldn't stop, until Ayun had to go home. So on the train, Rino, Fiz, Izzy and I continued to play the game all the way back from Tao Payoh, hahahaha, it was really interesting.
So ya, 2 nights out so late, and my eyes are really hurting from the lack of sleep. Fatigue setting in as well, hahahahaha, nah, not so serious, but I don't feel myself, because I NEED to sleep early, aw well.

Both days, I had Roti John for dinner, and honestly, both were really nice. The first one was made by Fiz's mum, and it's really crispy on the outside, and the inside is just as good. For a home-made version, it ranks the top on my list. The next Roti John is from Spize, not too bad, and it was extremely filling, deliciousss. And the jokes about me eating myself are really tak funny Hafiz, really tak funny.
Ok, so now I'm going to sleep, and 3 more nights of going home late, so I doubt I'll be online, so take care everyone!
~moey out~