Hmmmmm, initially I wanted to do a video montage of ALL the work our group has gone through during the LD3 project, then I thought: ''cannot compare to Ben's video, hahahaha.'' So I gave up that idea. But nonetheless, I will mention everyone here, and just thank everyone who put in all the effort to make this a successful and enjoyable project.
After 3 whole years in the course, this final project brought all of us together towards a common goal, and indeed, we put up a good show for everyone, and I think mention the work of everyone is in order, so I shall do it:
Chiau Gao "Ham" Zheng

Alright, our very 'charismatic' and dictative (notice no quote marks for dictative)leader, GZ. With that designer brain of his, nothing is put to chance, and everything was expected to be of certain standard. With him at the healm of the project, I personally didn't worry too much, but that little bit of anxiety was due to his dominative nature, so of course, a lot of stressful moments with him, hahahaha(not as though I have never been through it with him before). Contributed to a lot of the model making, and that blur face always causes me to crack up. Once a panda hamster, always a panda hamster.
Tan Wen "Video/Scandal guy" Xiang

Ah yes, our co-leader Ben. Well, without this bugger, the video would not have existed, and we would have lost our edge over the other groups. This scandalous dude can be lame at times, and irritating, as well as just being a slacker, but hey, we need a leader who is a 'chiongster' and another who is a little more easy going. Hahahaha, and thanks to his bike, he was the man to run a lot of errands,hahahaha. Ever since year 2( I think) the scandal issue has been going on, and I guess there'll be more moments to come?? HAHAHAHAHA! He is so going to kill me when he reads this. =P
Loh Ming "Sketch-up/Photoshop" Jie

Alright, like his nickname states, this bugger is just a techy geek. Without his efforts on the computer, a lot of the rendered images and designs could not have been done well. Not only the lack of sleeping hours, but added on with stress from his FYP, it's a wonder how he can manage to do all those images. X.X I tried doing them, but just couldn't get the hang of it. Occasionally insane at times as well, this guy can make a lot of noise, and at times, just keep quiet all the way through. Hahahaha, I guess we all have our happy and emo sides of our personalities.
Chan Nurul "Scandal/Noisy girl" Nisa

Of course, when there's the scandal boy, there has to be the scandal girl right?? LOL!!! Once again, I'll get a beating of my life after posting this entry. But anyhows, this little bundle of energy helped out with the minutes of meetings, model construction, and of course, contributed to the energy levels when we were all stressed. With her crazy personality, no project is boring with her in it, and this is no exception. Hahahaha, this seemingly young girl is full of maturity and can really bring out very good points and ideas at the weirdest of times.
Loh Wen "Xiao Mei Mei'' Wei

Hahahaha, he's no xiao mei mei(small girl), but he certainly takes a liking to them. Hahaha, this fellow is the main drawer, and a lot of colouring and drawing was on his part. He's nto only tall, but realyl noisy and irritating and lame half of the time, and sometimes, its really good to laugh a little, and other times, his comments are just met with silence. Hahaha, good time for him to keep quiet. But being the chinese version of Elfie shows that he will still make noise even when nobody is listening, lol. A new addition to our gang, but he can fit in, and just a little while more for the rest of us to warm up to him and his crazy ways of doing work.
Mohamad "I want to do the scale model!!!" Elfie

Despite him being only present for two out of the three modules which are involved in this project, this guy still makes his presence known. How? By making noise as well, hahaha, and honestly, with me half of the time as well/. =P Hahahaha, even though he's not taking LD3, his help was much appreciated in the model making, guess he's a really hand's on dude, and of course, when nobody is talking, he will just start rambling about things which we don't really know what it is about, hahahaha, jkjkjk. Thanks for being so enthusiastic about the model, and helping out with the LPM portion with me as well.
Mohamad "ex-mat/player" Iqbal

Hahahaha, after the incident during the holidays which caused him to fall ill, no more smoking from this bugger anymore. And every single one of us was very glad for him and his decision to stop wasting time and money on something worthless. This bugger helped out with the drawings and model as well, also another practical person, and that creative brain of his assisted us quite a bit. Drawings were really excellent, and colouring improved a whole lot since year 1, hahahaha, good job mate! Why player? He changes steads like changing underwear, and we all laugh at him everytime something goes wrong, but I guess he will wake up and get serious about just a single girl. I support you bro! All the way!!
Siti "tree girl" Amalina

The girl with powers to create beautiful trees. Majority of the trees on our scale model was QC-ed by this lady, and I'm appreciative for all the effort of the trees part, cause I tried doing it, and it didn't turn out very well, hahahah,oh well. She also has a lot of ideas flowing out of her, and a lot of good points raised up as well, which helped with the reports and presentations. Her occasional insane moments also livens up the atmosphere, and when she tags-team with Nisa and MJ, the whole room just becomes crazy with laughter. Hahahaha, I finally got the chance to work with you girllll!!!
Mark "Haga/Rich boy' Choo

This resident tennis player of the group is of course the most blessed among all of us. Without his monetary 'donations' a lot of stuff would not have been purchased, and the model would not have been completed. This guy is basically a floater, helping out with the model at times, then floats over to me to 'QC' my work(claiming his english is still better than mine), hahahahaha. Anyways, his help was also appreciated, and he lost a bit of his presentation mojo, but in the end, redeemed himself finally, hahahaha. Great to work with you once again, and stop saying 'Haga' over and over again can? Later the whole group really 'Haga' then you know.
As for myself? Well, I'm just glad I can contribute with the reports and presentation. I didn't do much for the model, and I'm really glad for everyone who really put in effort for the model. I guess I'm just good with words and typing, that's all. Hahahaha, of course, being lame at times helps a bit as well. But I don't think I did a lot compared to all you people. =(
Well, I guess this HLM gang is really a good group to be with, and I guess we will all miss each other once we all go for our attachment. I dont know, but somehow, without you all, school would be a boring place, and throughout all the fun/quarrels/fights/good times we all had, friends will stay as friends, and I hope we will not lose touch with one another.
Diseñadores De la Tierra-Earth Designers, teenagers on the path to Modernising Nature. A group which I will never forget, and will treasure for the rest of my life.
~moey out~