Firstly went to school bright and early in the morning to water the plants in our plot. Well, it's not that I had nothing to do, but also because I was going to have Effective Negotiation(EN) meeting later in the morning, so might as well kill 2 birds with 1 stone right? Hahaha, of course, a very silent watering session, but it was all good, used to it anyways.
So next went over to the library to rehearse for out EN role-play this coming Monday, and as expected, Zhen Wei came late, 1 hour late to be exact. Hahaha, oh well, at least we were able to squeeze 3 rehearsals before we all left school. The props were all finally done up, and we all just need to memorise our scripts and dress the part, and of course, enjoy ourselves. Hahaha, and being the camera-loving guy, we all took a lot of group shots with our props, we were missing the cactus and aloe vera cardboard cut-outs here:
All acting cool, except Ching Hong, blocked by his own dear cat. Hahaha....
All acting cute!! Muahahahaha, second nature already. =P
Anyways, really glad I have this group for EN, a mix of hardworking ones, and of course crazy ones. Hahahaha, really blessed.
Just finished my LPM report as well, and I didn't expect it to be so enjoyable. We have to come up with 3 places in our campus to introduce new students to our course, and we are acting as guides, so we have to type out our script. It's actually fun because I could really imagine the whole thing going down in real life, and the people all following me around. Hahahaha, really really interesting.
Alright, so now I'm logging off to go turn in, so good night people!!
~moey out~