Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Jeepers Creepers

It's already the middle of this week, time really flew by this particular week. Well, all over Singapore, creeping plants can be found all over and, sadly, sometimes some creepers end up as weeds in a particular area instead. Although they can bear extremely extravagant flowers and foilage, some places just cannot fit all these different plants in such a small place. With all these plants growing over each other, dead plant matter just accumulates, and a small thug will release a truckload of dead leaves and branches on you.
The amount of climbers is astounding, and it's quite amazing that these plants are able to grow and creep on themselves, hahahaha, talk about holding your own weight.

Anyways, it's already reaching the end of this week, and a whole lot more things to learn every single day. Alright then, take care everyone and rejoice, for the rainy season is upon us!

~moey out~