With the recent bout of rain after a scorching season, here is a list of 10 things which you might/might not want to follow:
!Individual Discretion Advised!

1) Take out your umbrellas!! One of the best inventions in the whole wide world.

2) Auto irrigation for your plants, so you can save water by not watering your outdoor plants. Indoor plants have no such privilege though.

3) Close your windows!! Unless you would like to have your very own swimming pool.

4) Bring your clothes in, lest they be knocked off from the bamboo poles and land on the floor all wet and dirty.

5) You can sing your heart out as well because nobody will be able to hear you sing with the loud background music from the rain.

6) Make hot soup!! Cream of mushroom or minestrone soup, whatever the case, a hot beverage or soup will warm the body up.

7) My personal favourite: Lock yourself at home and play computer games! Even if the rain stops, there is still the option of continuing playing. =D

8) For those who have completed their Intership Presentation can Dance In The Rain!! For those of you who have not, all the BEST! Then you can dance in the rain as well.

9) SLEEP! One of the most favourite pasttimes of Singaporeans.

10) If you just want to stay at home and do nothing, well, staring at the rain mysteriously has a therapeutical effect.
~moey out~