Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Banzai Bonzai!

It's coming to the phase of the holidays that there isn't much to do around. Most of the computer games have been tried and tested, some of the movies have also been watched with mixed reactions. So I'm just heading to friends' places to chill and play even more games, hahaha, ah man, can't get the gamer out of me.

On the other hand, there is a Pasar malam (night market) around my area, and as usual, the food stalls are the big winners every night, but they aren't a huge favourite of mine, mainly because I can get the same kind of food cheaper if I go overseas. But then again, cost of living is also much higher here.
So the only chance of me purchasing something would be from the plant stall, which is always located at the farthest region of the pasar malam, so I went to check out the stall 1mile away, only to find out that they sell bonzai plants. Now I'm NOT saying that bonzai plants are boring, they are just as beautiful in their own right, but to see beautiful bonzai plants is one thing, to see dried up rootballs (who puts bonzai plants in black plastic bags,exposing the rootball?) is a totally different thing altogether.

Oh well, there will still be another pasar malam in a few months time, so there's no worry, and it's not as if my corridor will grow any larger for me to fit in more plants. BANZAII !!!

~moey out~