Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's been a long long while...

Time indeed does fly; 10 weeks have already passed since I entered this phase of my life. And just booking out a few moments ago, it simply feels good to be back on the main island. Lunch was spent with Loy, Mark and Qian Yi(who graciously made their way from the other side of the planet to meet Loy and myself who have also just reached mainland. It felt good to talk about the things which we love best: Plants. Somehow, one way or another, the topic always ends up about the green stuff around us. Orchids, Colocasias', Hoyas', Amorphophallus' and the list just keeps going on and on. Honestly, I have forgotton about 70% of what I learnt in my poly days, and I have to keep asking the guys to remind me of what they are talking about; see what happens when you don't keep revising your work!

I realise that during this period, I really have to keep a positive outlook on things amidst all the frustrations and negativity around. It is by no means an easy task, and sometimes even I will get affected. But I'm still glad that I'm still alright with everything around me, and it really helps to have friends who share the same mindset.
Another thing which I find is a good stress-reliever is laughter. And nobody can compare to Jason, who can go on ranting about anything and everything when he is in the mood. Today was no exception, he already started talking animatedly about things before sunrise, all the way till this afternoon, he was still going on and on and on. And me being so easily humoured, it just makes me forget about where I am and the things which I have to go through because of all his extremely animated hand gestures, flailing arms and his ever-so-bitchy tone. (no offense Jason!) I can simply write a whole new entry about his escapades, but I'll probably leave it for another day. =P

Thinking back, I have taken so many things for granted:
- my bed (sure beats sleeping on the hard ground)
- the refrigerator (sometimes a cold coke would be nice)
- the shower (to ease the discomfort of 6 days of not bathing)
- the computer (staying connected to friends and the world is very important!)
- the fan (no, not even aircon, just a FAN is good enough)

Well, just 2 more weeks to go!!

~moey out~