Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Of tears & joy

Well, it's already been 5 months since I first embarked on this new journey and it's actually been a really rough ride all the way. But I'm not going to dwell on negative stuff here, but rather the good things which I have found along the way.

Oddly enough, the past 2 months have been rather interesting and fun because there are a lot more things to enjoy and with good company, it just makes everything that much better. Today marked the end of this wonderful journey, and I honestly will miss everyone and everything which/who I have come to love. All the weird stuff and funny things we do to each other; I will really miss them all. New friends and old friends will not be forgotten, and I'm really glad that I'm in the Platoon which I am in now. Even though two halves of us come from different companies, I think we really made it good together throughout our stay together.

We might all go our separate ways to different places, like my buddy Zong Han said: even though the banquet is over, it is just the beginning of a new journey(hahaha, or something like that... he said it in Mandarin, and you all know my grasp of Mandarin is like holding a wet bar of soap; really bad)

And indeed there will be new beginnings for everybody!
For myself? A lot of friends say that I can actually strive for something higher to crossover from where I am, even my superiors expected me to crossover. I didn't know that so many people supported me, and I unknowingly let them down by not passing out. Well, there's one more chance for me to prove myself, and whether I make it or if I dont', I will know that I really put my all into everything and I will make Platoon 2 of the 53rd batch proud!

~moey out~