Monday, August 21, 2006

I was just taking a short break from the books and i flipped the tv on and it was at Discovery Travel & Living channel(only on SCV though). and it was a programme called 5 Takes. its a programme which features 5 travel journalists(TJs') travelling around the globe to feature different countries. and they were featuring Little India and somehow i was shocked at who the guide was none other than Prashant's little bro--Hayman(sry if i mis-spell it)!!!and he's not even 16!!! it was so shocking man....kinda cool to see someone you recognise showing foreigners around Singapore and its on National TV too!!!! how cool is that!!!
haha,now i'm beginning to like this channel because its really interesting to see your very own country featured in the eyes of a foreigner.....wooot!! you can really see that the things you take for granted in your country,but they are really an eye-opener to others.... for example the TJs didnt know wat accupuncture was...kinda weird eh....hahaha....
OMG!!! to end the journey in singapore,the TJs went to Prashant's house to have dinner!!! goodness! sweet!! :) its really really cool to see this kind of thing happening yea.....niceeeeee.Prashant must be super proud man...seriously nice!!
phew,what a different perspective of Singapore to see on TV....woot man.....oh well,i guess i gotta go back to my books.....if u guys wanna check out the 5 Takes webbie, just go to and check it out ya..... take it easy ppl!
~moey out~