so anyway,the afternoon lesson was the highlight of the day:Floristry!!!! muahahahhahahah.......
hahaha,i know some of u might think its kinda gay-ish/sissy to be arranging flowers,but i tell u,its not easy to arrange flowers...its not just simply *poke* *poke* then tats the end.....a lot of factors come into the height of the flowers,the length of the background ferns.....a lot of aga-ration is needed to create a nice looking floral arrangement......hahahaha,it took us like over and hour just to come up with our very 1st flower arrangements........Dr Koh,our flower arrangement lecturer only did it in like 15 mins....-_-''
hhahaha anyways,he said we would at least be getting grade 'B' cause it was our 1st attempt at this.....well,most of my frens all got B',however,got a big 'A' , hahahahahaha....woo00ottt!!!
not bad la,so we all took a few group shots in the lab,and i also have my 'A' Grade flower arrangement as well...muahahahha.....hahaha....
anyway,on da way back home,MJ and I went to take 184 to the Shell station beside our school,and while we got onto the bus,every1 was just staring at us la.....cause most of the class all brought back their flower arrangements......hahaha,so i was thinking whether we should feel pai seh or just proud to be HLM students.... hmmmmmm
so i met one of my frens along the way home,and here's the short conversation tat took place:
fren:hihi,wah lao,wat u doing with tat plant?
me:i just did it,so i bringing it home lor
me:haha,lucky u accompany me,or else i so pai seh going home with the plant
fren:*bewildered look*i dont wanna know u sia.......
well,i guess he just said it jokingly,but this made me realise that frens are easily made,but also easily lost.......i guess my true frens wont just judge the outside appearance of me,and people who do,i guess,they can only be frens.......
hahahah,nvm la,let bygones be here are the pix we took together....enjoy =)

~moey out~