so yea,recently i just got 2 new plants for my house,mainly because the previous plant was already an undead plant,the leaves were all withered and brown,but it looked like it was still alive...o.O so this is how it looked before i threw it away:

the little white stuff in the 2nd picture are actually a pest called mealy bugs,and they are seriously nasty creatures.i know the pic is kinda blurred,so the bugs look like short white caterpillars with a lot of fur on them.....hahaha, and dont go trying to squish them,cause u really dont wanna know how it feels like to squish these bugs....
so obviously i had to get new plants to replace this old 1,so i got not 1 ,but 2 new potted plants.the 1st plant is an Anthurium species,while the 2nd plant is a Begonia rose,here are pix on how they look like respectively:
they look so much more lively eh,with those cute pink flowers,my mum just couldn't resist falling in love with em'..... hahahahhaha,so my corridor looks beautiful once again.......phew.....
well,i also noticed that the haze has really been a big concern to singaporeans,cause just yesterday at 11am,the PSI was at a whopping 130!!!! i means its really mindboggling to realise how bad the forest fires are in Indonesia,fortunately,today,the PSI was only 34 according to my mum,so i guess it really depends on how the winds blow the smoke..... the last time i remember haze which was also quite bad was like 10 years ago....but i dont really remember how serious it was back then.....
so now,its only 1 more week before i return back to school,and im really gonna miss the holidays,haizzzzz oh well,school should be fun,with new stuff to learn and new projects to deal with,woooohoooooo -_-''..........oh man,projects and more more comment on em....... T_T
so yea,i guess this is it for this entry and really really gonna miss the holidays well...... like i always say: stay happy =)
~moey out~