for those of u who dont know wat im talking about, i just came home from a camp mentioned in my earlier post....
well, i must say it was fun and the kids had a great time as well... but i was totally shagged man....only slept for 4 hrs this morning,2am-6am....... T_T
freakin tired and very it was worth it la,the camp was a successful one,and the kids enjoyed every minute of it....
so now im just gonna go and catch up on my well deserved sleep,and wake up to another tedious planning for my BB the camps just never end...haizzzzzzzz
oh well,anyway my fren said i was cute o.O...... shes older than me by like 4 years la....hahahhaha, i just coughed my lungs out la....who in their right mind would say im cute -_-''
ah well.....sooo im gonna log off now and sleep soundly.....
till next time guys....
~moey out~