Just now had a really good day in school, met the new Landscape Design teacher, supposedly the teacher should be a female, turned out the timetable was wrong, and a guy turned up instead. Hahahah,did his intro and made us all intro ourselves, and stated his expectations and all. Then it was Ms Kan's lesson, finally a familiar face teaching us again, but sadly, its a more complicated module.
So that was the end of the day, it ended at 2pm, and I was supposed to go meet Reggy at SP at 3.30pm, so I had time to spare, so wanted to go straight to SP, but didn't where to go when I reached there, so I decided to stay at my library. I happened to walk pass the language section and I decided to teach myself Malay, hahahaha, it's actually quite tough, but hey, at least I got a bit of the basics in that short span of time.
Went to get the confidential documents from Reggy after a quick mixup at the MRT station(next time call and confirm where to meet!! hahaha) So after that,met up with Ben and Dan and just chatted a bit while Reggy and I ate our lunch.
So that's it for the day, really happy I got things done today!
Tomorrow meeting the Magician to pass him the documents,hahahahaha, hope he pops up at my doorstep. :P
~moey out~