So that was the official end of the day for my class, so GZ,MJ & Mark went to check out the price of the items we're planning to sell for our project, I was supposed to go meet them after i met Bert, but I realised I didn't have enough cash to eat lunch, so I decided to go home. [Sorry guys!!! hahahaha]
Reached home around 2pm, and left again at 4pm, because I signed up for extra Korean language classes, so it was from 6-8pm. So I virtually have a 7 hour break every alternate week, but oh well,I will find something to pass the time.
Well, I expected my teacher to be a female,because I did a search of the lecturer's name, and the results were female, however, my teacher turned out to be a male. Initially I thought: oh man, it's going to be a boring class, but it turned out that the teacher had a really good sense of humour, and we was really funny. His laughter alone is enough to make the whole class laugh. He's the only Korean full-time lecturer from FMS, which is kind of cool. His English isn't that fluent, but I could make out what he was saying,so I enjoyed the lesson. First lesson, homework already assigned to us,hahahaha, need to go buy a textbook and do homework!! T_T
Oh well, at least it's something different, and I'm looking forward to more of such lessons.
Ok, time to sleep!
~moey out~