Hey everyone!! Quite a bit has happened since I last blogged, so let me recap everything starting from today:
Today's Gkidz worship was excellent, had a lot of fun with Matthew, Jonathan & Joel, those 3 boys were just hyper active toady, and all 4 of us really enjoyed worship, even though all the people around us were staring, but I don't really mind. Hahahaha, then I finally saw Chin Boon before service, and after service, I saw Zheng Jie! Hahahaha, he didn't tell me he was from FCBC, and I was shocked and surprised to see that dude, LOL.
When I got home from cell group, my iPod went haywire, and I panicked for a while, prayed, then fortunately, it resumed working as normal, the power of prayer eh. =)
So that's it for today's events, now lets rewind the days.
Yesterday was a really exciting day: it started off with a dragonboat activity with my BB company, and it's my first time doing this, and of course, I had my concerns before we rowed out to Kallang River. However, when all of us got warmed up to the rocking of the boat, we had a really great time rowing and rocking the boat literally. It was called 'Going Viking' I think, hahaha, we all had to sit on the edge of the boat and rocked it from left to right, so our backs were almost touching the water, and in the end, we rocked so much, half the boat flooded, fortunately, dragonboats cannot capsize, so I'm glad it was designed like that. =D
So after the event, a few of us went to check out Yishun Town's newly renovated campus. Honestly, the peachy-creamy colour of the buildings made it look like a school in the middle of the desert, partly also because it was scorching at that time. Was surprised to meet ZHC and gang there, but we only stayed a while before heading to HQ for the Primers Challenge gathering at HQ. So the 5 of us went there with Mr Chim in his car, and we all finally got a chance to bathe there because we didn't bathe at Kallang. I expected only a few Primers to show up, and indeed it was true, hahahaha, well, at least half of my group turned up:Chin Boon, Joshua, Zheng Jie, and Emil popped by for a while to transfer the photos of the trip, which sp happens to be my next section of this extremely long entry:
The Primers Challenge was held fomr the 9-12 of November 2007, at Perak Malaysia. Well, let me introduce my group members to all of you first:

Brian(The Silent Scholar): Hahaha,as the name implies, he is quite a quiet guy, studying in Jurong JC. He was only quiet at the starting, slowly he opened up more when I got a chance to talk to him more and got to know him better. Apparently he has been on the exact same trip before, with his own BB company, so he's a veteran of sorts.
Kenneth(The Group's Clown): As you can see, he's just a crazy guy to be with, hahaha, he brought a lot of humour to the group, but he's not only all laughs, he also has brains, studying in ACS. Don't mess around with him, hahaha, just kidding, a really fun guy to be with and has no shortage of jokes.
Zheng Jie(The All-Rounder): This guy is a balanced guy I must say. He can be quiet at times, but the next moment, he can chat non-stop, so a real all rounder. But honestly, he's a really approachable guy and it was easy to start a conversation with him. (SP all the way dude!! =P)
Emil(The Guitar Man{it's also a guitar-affliated brand: TGM}/Medic): This dude is simply hilarious, simply because at any one time, he can be carrying 3-4 different bags with him: a first-aid bag, guitar bag and his camping bag. But seriously, his guitar skills are EXCELLENT!! Man, I really wish I can play the guitar as well as he does. He can pick up a song in a matter of minutes, simply amazing. Being a medic is another plus to the group, and he's also from ACS. So my deduction is: ACS boys are really talented.
Paul(The Only Normal Guy in the Group):Hahahaha, actually, it's kind of true to a certain extent, mainly because all the rest of us are just too crazy. This guy is also another all-rounder, and I can talk to him quite easily as well. A fun guy to be with as well, and I'm really glad to have know you man.
Chin Boon(The Old Ah Pek of the Group): LOL!! He's not only the oldest guy in the group, but also the talkative one as well. But hey, I have no problem with that, more noise in the group, the better. I can really feel the aura of a leader around him, because on the first day at HQ, he just got the team together and created a bond instantly. A really great guy to be with as well, and of course, a potential President's Man! Jia You and make us all proud!!
Joshua(The Social Guru): This man can talk to anybody and start a conversation as though he knew the other guy for a long time. A charismatic guy and it's easy to be around him and to be able to converse with him so easily. He learnt a bit of guitar chords from Emil during the trip, so don't give up man, play on!!
Well, in my opinion, I had my inhibitions before this trip, but when I got to meet my group, it just became extremely fun. We were all crazy and wild and we just joked with each other as though we were old time friends. We also liked to sing worship songs,and I really like it, so it was another thing which i loved about my group. And lastly, all of us LOVED to take photos whenever we get a chance, hahahahaha. We were the only group(I think) which took the most photos during this trip, and I simply loved it! Even though we only knew each other for about a week, we realyl had good chemistry together as a team and I believe that every single one of us had a really good time during the trip.
Ok, so during Day 1, we all gathered at HQ and headed for Perak on an 8 hour bus ride. Not much happened along the way, introductions and ice breakers aplenty.

The group shot at HQ before setting off.

We were the first group to get up on stage and take a group picture! Muahahhaa.

A new friend made. =D

Emil, Kenneth, Chin Boon, with HQ at the back.

Emil in action at the Tuas checkpoint.

At the final pitstop before reaching Perak, and Dunkin' Donuts, yum yum.

Free Dunkin' Donuts advertisment with Group D.

Candid shot on the truck(those with the Indian workers you see on the road), only this time, 40 people squeezed into it. A fun experience I must say.

At the campsite, and pictures were slowly rolling in.

A serious picture with Ms Catherine.

Of course, as expected of our group, crazy shots are more than welcome.

These are the huts we slept in, it's the outside view. Simply kampung style hospitality.

This is the cramped inside of the hut, warm at first, freezing during then middle of the night.
So that was the end of Day 1, day 2 was where all the fun was. We had waterfall abseiling and white water rafting, both of which I wasn't too keen on attempting. But once I had done them, they were actually quite fun and all of us had a really good time getting wet and wild.

This was the 3 storey waterfall we had to abseil down fomr the top. Intimidating isn't it?

The first 3 brave warriors of Group D, before facing the waterfall.

Paul and myself going down side by side.

The base of the waterfall where everyone relaxed after descending the waterfall. It was really cold but refreshing at the same time, cool!

Joshua taking a free, cold and powerful back massage at the waterfall.

Taken when Daniel just got down from the waterfall, and I was nearly dry already. =P

RoS and I got bored waiting, so in the meantime, just a nice photo with a waterfall backdrop, fantastic.

All geared up and listening to the safety briefing before getting wet once again.

All the rafts getting ready to set off for a 2 hour ride down Kampar River.

Thanks to Mr Chim for taking a shot of my group halfway down the river.

A little breather at the halfway point, and of course, more group pictures. =) The water was cool and it wasn't salty at all. It was as clear as mineral water as well, really good quality water.

Very nice shot of my group, will never forget that place.

Hahahah, just a spur-of-the-moment kind of photo.

My raft with our guide: Andy.
We completed a Class 3 river with rapids. The most extreme is a Class 6 river, and Andy told us a few Singaporeans have already lost their lives to a Class 4 river, so I cannot imagine how a Class 6 one looks like. =/

We all had a night walk activity before the end of the day, for us all to reflect on the things that happened so far.

I love this shot with the lights out and only our torches illuminating our faces. Very nice picture.
So that's it for Day 2 of our trip. It was the highlight of the whole trip, and I really had a good time there and I can say that I have been there and done all that.
Day 3 was the Underground Caving day for all of us, we had to go into a gigantic cave and come out alive.Hahahaha, it was something that was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The final group shot at breakfast before we all left the campsite to go for the caving.

19th Coy Primers!! =)

Group shot with a terrace of flowers behind us, b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.

Another shot with the cave as the backdrop this time. (It's more like a firest ain't it?)

Acting macho before going into the cave, hahahaha.

The intimidating entrance to the cave. This was only the beginning of another wet adventure.

We had to crawl under stalactites, and we virtually had to go onto our bellies to continue. The water was cold as usual, but it was fun to admire cave structures while on our bellies.

And of course, we all cound't resist more photos in the cave, so we were at the tail end of the whole Primers' group, because we took our time and took as many photos as possible before Ms Catherine couldn't stand it, hahaha(because she was also with us and we were slowing her down)

Halfway through the cave, we had to slide down a looong way to get to the bottom, and to continue our trek through the cave.

We got bored of waiting for everyone to slide down, so we took a quick shot.

At the bottom, everyone had to go through this small hole to the lower level of the cave, and it was interesting because there was only one hole, so we could see all the different styles of going through it.
This was after the whole caving experience, and its a nice picture of everyone, all tired and smelly and muddy. =P
Crazy shot!! Duhz!
After lunch outside the cave, it was the moment everyone was waiting for: the hotel stay!! Muahahaha, it was simply comfortable even though it was only a 3 star hotel in Ipoh. I roomed in with Daniel and I guess all 42 of us had a really comfortable sleep that night.
Taken at the hotel lobby before heading out for a night of shopping.
This made me laugh, because I didn't know Dan was also 'sianed' of taking pictures, and it was so coincidental, hahahaha, nice!
This was the final morning at the hotel, and everybody had packed up and ready to go back to Singapore.
To be honest, this trip wasn't really a 'challenge' per se, it definitely challenged me to face my phobias, and I'm glad I conquered them. This trip was just nice for me, not too dangerous, and not too slack, but to most of my friends, it was like a holiday trip. I also share the same sentiments as them, it wasn't the most stressful thing I had been through, but it certainly was an experience which I will never forget.
Friendships were forged and strengthened, and memories of fun all still linger in all our heads. Let us not forget each other and meet up some day to look back on this wonderful trip.
God Bless all you Primers!!=D
~moey out~