Friday, November 30, 2007

Today I was really really tired. I slept all the way to school, and slept before lesson started. It's the first time I have ever felt so sleepy, because I haven't recovered from the lack of sleep yesterday, so I felt kind of weird at the start of the day.
Fortunately, it eased up as lessons got started, and it woke me up a bit, glad that happened.
Just went through Friday as usual, just sitting down and draw a bit of stuff. Now just have to sit down properly and revise for the upcoming tests next week, everyone has 2 tests only, while I have an extra test, hahahaha, ah well. I can make it through!

Hahaha, okok, I need to go get some sleep, nightz everyone!

PS: Did you know that Mark's tennis couach is the guy on the S$10 note?Now you know.

~moey out~