It's been quite a while since this blog saw updates, much like how Singapore experienced rain nowadays. But since it rained island-wide today, might as well add something new as well. It was good to see precipitate falling from the sky due to the condensation of water vapour in the air, and it was a good break from the extremely humid conditions we have been facing recently.
Anyways the post-school period is really going well for me. Ate at so many new places around the island, which I would otherwise scrap the idea if I went there alone to eat. Friends are all over right now, some working, some studying already, some relaxing, while others are already in NS. And yes, I'm heading into camp on the 13th of June, so it'll be two whole years before I can get my ink IC back.
So today was an interesting one for me. Went out with Mark, Loy and Clara because they wanted to try the reverse bungee ride at Clarke Quay, well, only Clara and Mark wanted to try it. I was supposedly roped in to join them, but after looking at the post-rain sky, I was really worried, so I chickened out of the whole thing. Sorry!! hahaha, yes, I'm not one to take risks. So both of them had a load of fun while Loy and myself just stood below and filmed everything down, hahahaha. It was also exciting for me because I have never been so close to these rides, and it was something new for me. My heart also raced when they were on the rides.
This photo looks as if both of them are in a giant fish tank, hahaha! =P

This was taken during Easter weekend about 2 weeks ago in church. I was playing a Sponge-bob-like boy who didn't know anything about the whole Easter event, and the middle-eastern guy on my right is Timothy, who plays Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus. The extreme left girl in white is our costume designer Stephenie and on the extreme right is our honourable director Alexandra. Hahahah, that was the very first time any of us were appointed such roles in an event, and it was a unique experience I must say. I was really apprenhensive about it at first, but after rehersals and looking at the whole set-up, i actually felt honoured to being this message across to the kids that day.
Well, all I can say is that suspenders are the in thing nowadays!! =D
~moey out~