Friday, December 11, 2009


Yikes!! I guess it's time for something new and fresher for this page. It's been a long while since things looked different, so change is good right?

On a different note, it's finally the weekends!!!! Somehow, garrison life is not as interesting as before, probably because it's the down period right now, so there's nothing much for us to do. However in a week's time, the new batch will come in and things will get hectic once again and I will eat my words of life being monotonous. There definitely were a few peaks in the programme; like catching cartoon movies to kill time, and of course my all-time favourite: zombie ownage!

Aside from that, I finally got a new camera for the family! It cost me a whole month's allowance, but I guess it's a worthwhile investment. My mum also kept pestering me to go get a camera so that she can take pictures once again. It all started when our previous camera started to go on the fritz and finally fizzled out on us despite us sending it for repairs which was NOT CHEAP. But hey, the past is the past, so no point talking about it.

Oh, for those who know and were involved in it, my toilet door FINALLY broke off. HAHAHAH... yes yes, you heard right, it finally decided to unhinge itself from the rusty latch and attempted to fall on me when I was about to close the door. But anyhows, that murderous door is out of the building and probably somewhere else. =)

~moey out~