ok,it started off with PM lecture,and it was slightly heplful only la....mainly it was the part where we were given the topics to study for the upcoming test next week lor...nothing much actually....
the next thing was Entomology and Pathology Test,and it was a killer i must say..... my mind went blank at a few questions and i totally didnt know wat to write,but ah well,its over already...so no point dwelling over it too much.....and thennnn,after tat was almost the worst part of the day...hmmmm,it was mainly my fault that i had to go through with it la....hahahha,i totally forgot to put our PM costing and maintenance schedule into the thumbdrive which i brought to transfer files to Bal's lappy....so on my own will(despite strong opposition from Marky), i took a cab back home to get the Excel file lor.....the worst part of the day was going back to school.....i thought Singapore had a lot of cabs around,but apparently, around the 12.30pm time period,either there are no cabs,or the few which pass by all are occupied....so i had to wait like 20 mins just standing there at 1 spot to wait for a cab....and the cab which i took cost a lot more than when i went home la....i shall not state the pricing,but kind Mark offered to compensate me,and well,i finally gave in to him after a few rejections of my own....lolx.....
so then came the dreaded PM presentation....well,it went quite ok la....as expected,not a lot of people were paying attention to the groups presenting,cause honestly,i was only paying to a few groups only.....hahahhaha, so after all 9 groups had presented,Bal asked whose design got chosen to be implemented in Clementi Woods Park,and guess what....it was our group!!! hahahahhahah,gosh,at tat point in time,i dunno whether to react in a happy way or in a sympathetic way....i mean part of me was happy,but the other part was kinda sad,cause i could see that other groups put in a lot of effort into their designs and were equally impressive....sooooooo,i cant really comment on it right now la...hahahha....
so here's the winning group...muahahhahahha(this was taken 2 weeks ago prior to our submission of the project)
aights,then Fie,Mj and myself headed to the library ,while the others left to go home....well,we stayed behind cause fie had to meet his fren to go back into his camp,as for mj,hahahha,he just simply didnt want to go home early.....so we sat down and i took garfield comics to read,while the 2 watched Shrek 3,compliments of Mr Elfie.....pirated of course....i didnt join them cause it was just nice for both of them to watch la,and anyways i miss reading comics,so its ok for me la....Shrek 3 can wait......at most i wont be up-to-date only la...nothing much....so it took 1hr 30mins for the movie to end,then the 3 of us just sat around for about 20mins just chatting about stuff la....then i had to go off to meet PL and Ryong for dinner,and thanks to Mr Elfie!!! i ended up being late...haish....hahahha,nvm la....in the end, those 2,Ling Jie and Gerald met up 1st and headed to Botak Jones to makan,so i went there just in time for them to take my order....hahah,it was super crowded lor....i dunno why,but iwas super hyper at tat time,so i kept making lame jokes and teasing every1...hahhaha,dont ask me why........
so while waiting, Ryong and i scavanged thru PL's Hp...hahahha,she had some scandal pix in it la....LOL......dunno why shes so uptight about them....must be something serious...hmmmmmmmmm...hahahahahha,so we took a pic b4 the food came,cause it took quite a long time,guess its the peak hour....

then the food came and we had to hurry,cause we had a combined Cell Group meeting with the tribe(meaning ALL the cell groups under the same leader were coming together)....so we rushed thru our Fish n Chips and hurried over to Kenneth's place(my spiritual grandad, FYI)..so we all had a good time over there,and i got to mingle around with more people and got to know them....so next week will be the same thing....
so ya.....i guess im gonna just sit around at home and practise ma guitar lor....my mum will only be back at night...so i should enjoy the freedom which i have as much as possible.....
aights!!! so now imma go catch some zzzzz's and i'll cya peeps soon!! =)
~moey out~